Radical 78

Radical 78 (U+2F4D)
(U+6B79) "death, decay"
Pinyin: dǎi
Bopomofo: ㄉㄞˇ
Wade–Giles: tai3
Jyutping: aat3 daai2
Cantonese Yale: dáai
Hiragana: ガツ gatsu
Kanji: 歹偏 gatsuhen
Hangul: 뼈앙상할
ppyeo angsanghal
Sino-Korean: 알 al
Stroke order animation

Radical 78 meaning "death" or "decay" is 1 of 34 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 4 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 231 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

Characters with Radical 78

strokes character
without additional strokes 歹 歺
2 additional strokes
3 additional strokes
4 additional strokes 歽 歾 歿 殀 殁
5 additional strokes 殂 殃 殄 殅 殆 殇
6 additional strokes 殈 殉 殊 残
7 additional strokes 殌 殍 殎 殏 殐 殑 殒 殓
8 additional strokes 殔 殕 殖 殗 殘 殙 殚
9 additional strokes 殛 殜
10 additional strokes 殝 殞 殟 殠 殡
11 additional strokes 殢 殣 殤 殥 殦
12 additional strokes 殧 殨 殩 殪 殫
13 additional strokes 殬 殭 殮
14 additional strokes
15 additional strokes 殰 殱
17 additional strokes


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