Claudia Mijangos

Claudia Mijangos Azrac
Born Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico
Residence Mexico City, Mexico
Nationality Mexican
Other names "La Hiena de Querétaro" (The Hyena of Queretaro)
Occupation Housewife, fashion trader, Catechism teacher and ex-beauty queen.
Religion Catholic
Criminal charge 3 counts of murders with ingravescent by consanguinity relation
Criminal penalty 30-years prison
Criminal status Reclusive in Tepepán Prison, Mexico City, Mexico.
Spouse(s) Alfredo Castaños Gutiérrez (?-) (divorced)
Children Claudia María Castaños Mijangos (1978-1989), Ana Belén Castaños Mijangos (1980-1989) and Alfredo Antonio Castaños Mijangos (1983-1989).
Motive Serious mental disorders
Capture status
Victims Her 3 children
Date 24 April 1989
Country Mexico
State(s) Queretaro
Date apprehended
24 April 1989

Claudia Mijangos Azrac (born 25th. May 1956, in Mazatlan, Sinaloa) is a Mexican convict, who was comdemned in 1990 for filicide.[1] She confessed to stabbing her 3 children allegedly obliged by a diabolical entity who possessed her.[2] Was diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder and temporal lobe epilepsy, and condemned to 30-years prison, her mental state was considered extenuating - for this reason was condemned to the minimal penalty - but she wasn't considered unimpeachable.[3] Some sources said that she was pardoned after to 26-years prison but this version is false.[4]

According with local legends, the house where she committed the crime is haunted. The site was a subject of investigation by the Mexican paranormal television program, Extranormal[5] and by the alleged Mexican parapsychologic, Carlos Trejo.


Claudia Mijangos born in a funcional middle-class family, never suffered some type of abuse. She studied and graduated with degree in Commerce. During her youth she was elected as Mazatlán beauty queen.[6] During the 1980s, she married with Alfredo Castaños Gutiérrez, procreated with him to her 3 children. For this time her parents died, they inherited her a considerable amount. The Castaño Mijangos family moved to Queretaro City, Queretaro, where their children were matriculated in a catholic college, Colegio Fray Luis de León, here Claudia Mijangos collaborated as Catechism teacher.[7] She also opened a Fashion store in the center city.

In the last years of 1980s, she started to have marital problems and according with relatives and friends, she started to show emotional instability signs. The pair consulted with a couples therapist, the Dr. Jaime Flores, who declared for the TV show, Instinto Asesino by Discovery Channel, the Mijangos-Castaño marriage was dominated for a power struggle and their differences were irreconcilables. The situation worsened when Claudia met to Father Ramón, other teacher in the school and priest, she in loved of him. According with some testimonies, they were lovers, this version isn't confirmed, but this is known, she was obsessed with him.[8] Finally, she separated of her husband in 1989.

External links


  1. Rosado, Isaías (April 24, 2015). "A 26 años del caso Mijangos" [To 26 years of the Mijangos case]. ADN Informativo (in Spanish). Queretaro, Queretaro. Retrieved May 28, 2016.
  2. Pino, Ángeles (September 16, 2011). "La trágica historia de Claudia Mijangos" [The tragic history of Claudia Mijangos]. El Universal (in Spanish). Mexico City. Retrieved May 28, 2016.
  3. "Claudia Mijangos, la Hiena de Queretaro". Escrito con sangre (in Spanish). Escrito con sangre blogspot. Retrieved May 28, 2016. El diagnóstico fue epilepsia del lóbulo temporal, acompañado de esquizofrenia, por lo que se suspendió el proceso penal ordinario y se acordó aplicar una medida de seguridad de 30 años de prisión...
  4. "Claudia Mijangos, la Hiena de Queretaro". Escrito con sangre (in Spanish). Escrito con sangre blogspot. Retrieved May 28, 2016. Hubo rumores y artículos de periódico afirmando que había salido de prisión y se había ido del estado, pero no era verdad...
  5. "Claudia Mijangos: la mujer que sacudió Querétaro". Retrieved 28 May 2016.
  6. "Claudia Mijangos, la Hiena de Queretaro". Escrito con sangre (in Spanish). Escrito con sangre blogspot. Retrieved May 28, 2016. Claudia Mijangos Azrac nación en 1956 en Mazatlán, Sinaloa (México). Su infancia y adolescencia fueron felices, nunca sufrió maltratos y tuvo sus necesidades materiales y afectivas cubiertas. Estudió la Carrera de Comercio. Cuando era una jovencita fue elegida Reina de Belleza en Mazatlán...
  7. Rampoldi, Juan Manuel (director); Ayala, Héctor (pollee); Castellanos, Rigoberto (pollee) (February 2011). Instinto asesino. Temporada 2, Cap. 5: La Hiena de Querétaro [Instinto asesino. Season 2, Chapter 5: The Hyena of Queretaro] (Television production) (in Spanish). Discovery Channel - Endemol Argentina. Event occurs at First part of video. Retrieved May 29, 2016. Por la cercanía de Querétaro con el DF, buscando una mejor calidad de vida, muchas parejas jóvenes deciden radicarse en está ciudad durante los 80s. (...) Claudia Mijangos nace en Mazatlán era hija de una familia acomodada. Sus padres fallecen y le dejan una herencia a Claudia, muy generosa. Ella en ese momento estaba casada con Alfredo Castaños y tenía 3 hijos... (...) (Ayala, Héctor. 2011) ... Colegio Fray Luis de León. Ella tenía 3 hijos en el colegio, en la primaria también era miembr de un grupo de madres catequistas... (Castellanos, Rigoberto. 2011)
  8. Rampoldi, Juan Manuel (director); Dr. Flores, Jaime (pollee); Castellanos, Rigoberto (pollee) (February 2011). Instinto asesino. Temporada 2, Cap. 5: La Hiena de Querétaro [Instinto asesino. Season 2, Chapter 5: The Hyena of Queretaro] (Television production) (in Spanish). Discovery Channel - Endemol Argentina. Event occurs at First part of video. Retrieved May 29, 2016. Una vez que se establece en Querétaro abre una tienda de ropa exclusiva para mujeres. (Narrator) A mi me tocó atender al Sr. Alfredo Castaños y a la Sra. Claudia Mijangos comomo terapeuta de pareja. Ellos tenían una lucha de poder, en donde ceder significaba ponerse uno debajo del otro por ello se negaban a ceder uno frente al otro... (Dr. Flores, Jaime. 2011) Pues ella buscaba disolver su matrimonio por la Iglesia, durante eses platicas me di cuenta que a veces ella se transformaba, ella no era ella, después de un rato ya se comportaba como normalmente... (Castellanos, Rigoberto. 2011). También se expeculaba que ella tuvo una relación con el padre Ramón. (Ayala, Héctor. 2011)


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