Driver's vision enhancer

The AN/VAS-5B(V) Driver's Vision Enhancer (DVE) is a passive thermal imaging system used to enhance a driver's viewing capabilities while operating during degraded visual conditions, such as darkness, fog, smoke or dust.

The DVE system consists of a Display Control Module (DCM), Sensor Module (SM), and interfacing manual and Electronic Pan and Tilt Modules (PTM and EPTM). The system operates from a single input voltage of 16 to 32 VDC. This system is typically utilized in tactical military vehicles, providing marked improvements over the previously existing systems.

There are currently two primary DVE Sensor manufacturers: BAE Systems and DRS Technologies.

Theory of operation

All objects above Absolute zero (−273.15 °C / −459.67 °F) emit infrared radiation (IR), an invisible form of light beyond the optical spectrum.

The optical spectrum is part of the electromagnetic energy spectrum which consists of ultraviolet, visible, and near, middle, and far-infrared energy. Only a small part of the optical spectrum is visible to the unaided eye.

The Sun emits energy across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Solar energy strikes the surface of objects. Some of that energy is absorbed and stored as heat (thermal energy). After sunset, this thermal energy remains and is emitted in the form of IR radiation.

The DVE system detects energy in the mid to far-infrared portion of the optical spectrum.


to identify functions.

Tactical wheeled vehicles – Vertical movement is limited to +35° and −60° elevation. Lateral movement is limited to ±90° left and right azimuth. (DRS)
Combat Vehicles – Vertical movement is limited to +35° and −15° elevation. Lateral movement is limited to ±50° left and right azimuth. (DRS)

See also

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