Eleanor Marx: A Life

Eleanor Marx: A Life
Author Rachel Holmes
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Subject Eleanor Marx
Published London
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing
Publication date
Pages 508
ISBN 9781408852897

Eleanor Marx: A Life is a 2014 book by the British author Rachel Holmes, published by Bloomsbury Publishing.


The book profiles the life of Eleanor Marx, a feminist and socialist campaigner and daughter of Karl Marx. The book deals with Marx's life as a labour activist and organiser, personal secretary and researcher for her father, an activist described as being at the "epicentre of British socialism" and a trailblazing feminist campaigner.


In The Guardian Kathryn Hughes wrote that "Not only is the story of British socialism messy to tell, it is also difficult to make sing. But Holmes throws her ebullient prose at all those committee meetings, managing to make us see why each speech, each pamphlet, and each internecine quarrel actually matters in the long run. The result is a biography that, paradoxically, is most illuminating when it leaves the world of bungled private lives behind and steps out smartly on to the public stage"[1] Lisa Jardine, reviewing Eleanor Marx: A Life for the Financial Times, praised the author for "giving back to us an unforgettable Eleanor Marx"[2]

In May 2014, the book was featured as the Book of the Week on BBC Radio 4.


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