
A heptagraph is a sequence of seven letters used to represent a single sound (phoneme), or a combination of sounds, that do not correspond to the individual values of the letters.

Heptagraphs are extremely rare. Morse code uses a heptagraph, · · · — · · —, for the dollar sign. Most other fixed sequences of seven letters are composed of shorter multigraphs with a predictable result. The seven-letter German sequence schtsch, used to transliterate the Russian letter щ, as in Borschtsch [bɔʁʃt͡ʃ] for Russian борщ [borɕː] "borscht", is a sequence of a trigraph sch [ʃ] and a tetragraph tsch [t͡ʃ]. Likewise, the Juu languages have been claimed to have a heptagraph dts’kx’, but this is also a sequence, of dts’ and kx’.

See also


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