Imperial Hero

Imperial Hero
Original author(s) Dobroslav Dimitrov, Moni Dochev
Developer(s) Imperia Online Ltd.
Initial release 2009 (2009)
Platform Web browser and mobile
Available in 27 languages
Type Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Licence Freemium

Imperial Hero is a free-to-play, massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by the Bulgarian software company Imperia Online Ltd. The game was originally launched in 2009 after a year of conceptual and gameplay development.[1][2] Imperial Hero has been translated into 27 languages. In 2015 Imperia Online Ltd released the remake of the role-playing game - Imperial Hero II, launched for Android, Facebook and web.[3][4][5]


Imperial Hero is a cross-platform game, leading to the wondrous and amazing lands of Ayarr Empire, which await all eminent heroes who wish to achieve glory, immortality and become legends. This game gives the players the choice to be who they want to be. With the single purpose of becoming the Ultimate Hero.[6][7][8]

Starting a game

Players register at free of charge to join the game, providing an e-mail address and creating a username and a password, or using a social network account. The other option is to download the game on their Android mobile phones. After logging in, the players follow a tutorial that guides them through various aspects of the game and provides rewards for successful completion. After the tutorial, missions start appearing for the players.


Hero will get to acquire Titles when they become first in reputation at a province. There are also special Titles for craftsmen and warriors based on hero's global and/or factional level.


Titles are distributed/taken away on a weekly basis. At the end of each weekend titles rankings will be updated.


Some Titles will give bonuses to their owners. This Titles' bonuses will be active only when a player is at the province for which the Title is assigned. In case a hero loses their Title it will no longer show in Titles section and its related bonuses will no longer be active.


Heroes will be able to demonstrate one of their Titles in rankings, guild and their profile. All possessed Titles will be visible in hero's profile at the new section for Titles. Each hero will be able to choose only one Title to be shown when somebody browses their profile, in rankings and in the guild. The choice is only visual and although this will be the only Title seen when profile is viewed by others, bonuses from the rest of the Titles will remain active in the respective provinces. When a hero is at the province for which they have a Title, that title will be displayed in the lower center of the screen where all temporary bonuses related to it are also displayed.


Sets are special, unique type of equipment, which can be crafted or found as loot after battles.

The sets are divided into 2 categories:

Depending on how much items of a particular set the players wear, they will get bonus statistics and/or bonus to different skills. Players can wear multiple sets at a time. Each set gives different types of bonuses. Contested provinces Certain provinces are contested areas between Factions. Factions can be facilitated by attacking the enemy camp and battling random Heroes within the level range. Up to 20 battles can be conducted per province. Each day the Faction with the most Wins in the province collects the Daily Points. At the end of the week the Faction with the most Weekly Points will take ownership of the Contested Province. Members of the ruling Faction will enjoy all the benefits of a factional territory. Daily and Weekly Points: Each victorious day of the week gives a different amount of Daily Points.

Monday: 1

Tuesday: 2

Wednesday: 3

Thursday: 4

Friday: 5

Saturday: 6

Sunday: 7 The Faction with the most wins for the day receives the Daily Points.


Tavern- Tavern is the place, where all Missions can be found. The Heroes can work there also for gold. The amount of gold they receive depends on the amount of working hours and increases as they raise their levels.

Weapon shop- In this Shop players can buy and sell different weapons. New items for sell appear every 15 minutes. Players can load instantly new weapons in exchange for diamonds. With every reset they have a chance to buy different and more powerful items. The hero’s equipment also can be repaired in the shop. Equipment durability lowers when used in battle and even greatly when the hero dies in a battle.

Armor shop- In this Shop players can buy and sell different armor. New items for sell appear every 15 minutes. Players can load instantly new armor in exchange for diamonds. With every reset they have a chance to buy different and more powerful items. The hero’s equipment also can be repaired in the shop. Equipment durability lowers when used in battle and even greatly when the hero dies in a battle.

Jewelry shop- In this Shop players can buy and sell different jewelries. New items for sell appear every 15 minutes. Players can load instantly new jewelries in exchange for diamonds. With every reset they have a chance to buy different and more powerful items. The hero’s equipment also can be repaired in the shop. Equipment durability lowers when used in battle and even greatly when the hero dies in a battle.

Healer- The character’s health and spirit can be healed for a fee. There the buyers can buy and sell different healing potions. New items for sell appear every 15 minutes. Players can load instantly new potions in exchange for diamonds. With every reset they have a chance to buy different and more powerful items. The hero’s equipment also can be repaired in the Healer.


Bulgarian English Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese
Spanish Italian Romanian Turkish
Serbian Croatian Polish German
Arabic French Russian Ukrainian
Czech Macedonian Greek Swedish
Japanese Hindi Dutch Slovenian
Albanian Hebrew Slovak

Awards Nominees

"Bulgarian Game Awards 2016” Sofia, Bulgaria:[9]


  1. "Imperial Hero Interface".
  2. "Imperial Hero Review". Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  3. "First Impressions On Imperial Hero 2". Retrieved 2 March 2016.
  4. "Imperial Hero Content, Reviews and Facts.".
  5. "Imperial hero Launched Its RPG on Facebook". Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  6. "Imperial Hero II Overview".
  7. "Imperial Hero Review".
  8. "Imperial Hero Art". Retrieved 19 May 2015.
  9. "Imperial Hero Award Nominees". Retrieved 29 May 2016.
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 10/31/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.