Joseph Hajjar

Joseph Hajjar (born 1923), a Melkite Catholic priest of Syrian origin, is particularly known for historical works covering the fortunes of Christians in the Levant (Near East) concentrating on the nineteenth century. Hajjar's interests cover wider spheres however including the permanent synod in the patriarchate of Constantinople down to the eleventh century, church history in modern times also involving the European territories of the Ottoman Empire and the question of Christian ecclesiastical tribunals in the Muslim world including their suppression in Egypt.

A former director of the journal 'Concilium', reference to the preoccupations of the Second Vatican Council governed many of his, particularly earlier, publications. Hajjar also contributed to 'ISTINA'.

A member of the Belgian Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses Hajjar proved active in international associations in Germany and France, where he had earlier studied.


A. Guillaumont, review of Joseph, Hajjar, Les chrétiens uniates du Proche-Orient, in Revue de l'histoire des religions, vol.168 (1965), p. 211.

E; Fouilloux , review of Joseph Hajjar, Le Christianisme en Orient-Etudes d' histoire contemporaine (1684–1968), in Archives des Sciences sociales des religions, vol.31 (1971) , p. 206-207.

E.Fouilloux,review of Joseph Hajjar,Religion et Politique en Méditerrannée orientale (1878–1914), in Archives des Sciences sociales des religions, vol.50/2 (1980), p. 167-175

Selected works

Un lutteur infatigable, le patriarche Maximos III Mazloum, Harissa (Lebanon),1957.

Le synode permanent (Synodos endemousa) de l' Eglise byzantine des origines jusqu' au XIè siècle, Rome 1962 (Orientalia christiana Analecta, no.164).

Les chrétiens uniates du Proche Orient, Seuil,1962.

L' Europe et les destinées du Proche-Orient (1815–1848), Bloud & Gay, 1970 (Bibliothèque de l' histoire de l' Eglise,collection publiée sous la direction d'E. Jarry).

Le christianisme en Orient - Etudes d' histoire contemporaine (1684–1968), Librairie du Liban 1971.

Le Vatican, la France et le Catholicisme Oriental, Beauchesne 1997.

and in collaboration:

L.J. Rogier, G. de Bertier de Sauvigny, J. Hajjar: Nouvelle histoire de l'Eglise. 4 Siècle des Lumières, Révolutions, Restaurations, Seuil 1966.

Roger Aubert, J.Bruls, P.E. Crunican, John Tracy Ellis, Joseph Hajjar, F.B.Pike: Nouvelle Histoire de l' Eglise. 5 L' Eglise dans le Monde Moderne, Seuil .

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