Ki no Tomonori

Ki no Tomonori by Kikuchi Yōsai

Ki no Tomonori by Kanō Tan'yū, 1648
In this Japanese name, the family name is Ki.
Ki no Tomonori (紀 友則) (c. 850 – c. 904) was an early Heian waka poet of the court, a member of the sanjūrokkasen or Thirty-six Poetry Immortals. He was a compiler of the Kokin Wakashū, though he certainly did not see it to completion as the anthology includes a eulogy to him composed by Ki no Tsurayuki, his colleague in the compilation effort. Ki no Tomonori is the author of several poems in the Kokin Wakashū, and a few of his poems appear in later official collections. A collection of his poems from various sources appeared as the tomonori shū.
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