List of Spanish words borrowed from Italian

List of Spanish words borrowed from Italian is a list of Spanish words of Italian origin. It is further divided into words that come from Modern Italian and from actual colloquial Italian in Spanish Latinoamerica. Some of these words have alternate etymologies and may also appear on a list of Spanish words borrowed from a different language.


Since the Middle Ages the Italian Maritime Republics (mainly the Republic of Genova) have influenced the Spanish language. But the biggest borrowings happened during the Italian Renaissance centuries. The following is a small list of these borrowings:

Colloquial Italian in Spanish Latinoamerica

The Italian emigrants in Latinoamerica have enriched the local spanish language. In countries like Argentina and Uruguay they even created their own dialects, like the Cocoliche and the Lunfardo. Indeed the "lunfardo" word comes from a deformation of "lombardo", an Italian dialect (from Lombardia) spoken by northern Italian emigrants to the Buenos Aires region. Other local dialects in Latinoamerica created by the Italian emigrants are the Talian dialect in Brasil and the Chipilo dialect in Mexico.

The following is a small list:

See also


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