List of splits and creations of districts in Afghanistan

Here is a list of all the splits and creations within the districts of Afghanistan.

Northern Mainland Afghanistan

North Eastern Afghanistan

Badakhshan Province

Baghlan Province

Kunduz Province

Takhar Province

North Western Afghanistan

Balkh Province

Faryab Province

Jowzjan Province

Samangan Province

Sare Pol Province

Central Mainland Afghanistan

Central Afghanistan

Kabul Province

Kapisa Province

Logar Province

Panjshir Province

Note - All former districts were shifted from Parwan Province.

Parwan Province

Wardak Province

Eastern Afghanistan

Kunar Province

Laghman Province

Nangarhar Province

Nuristan Province

Western Afghanistan

Badghis Province

Bamyan Province

Farah Province

Ghor Province

Herat Province

Southern Mainland Afghanistan

South Eastern Afghanistan

Ghazni Province

Khost Province

Paktia Province

Paktika Province

South Western Afghanistan

Daykundi Province

Note - All former districts were shifted from Orūzgān Province.

Helmand Province

Kandahar Province

Nimruz Province

Orūzgān Province

Zabul Province

See also

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