Meatball soup

Meatball soup

German traditional Wedding Soup with meatballs
Type Sour soup
Main ingredients Meatballs, Ground meat, rice, spices
Variations Ciorbă de perişoare,Sulu köfte
Cookbook: Meatball soup  Media: Meatball soup

Meatball soup is a soup made from meatball, simmered with various other ingredients. The classic meatball soup consists of a clear broth, often with pieces of meatball or vegetables; common additions are pasta (e.g., noodles, although almost any form can be used), dumplings, or grains such as rice and barley.


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    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 5/26/2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.