NRIST I-series UAV

I-series UAVs
Role UAV
National origin China
Manufacturer NRIST
Designer NRIST
Status In service
Primary user China

NRIST I-series UAVs are Chinese UAVs developed by Nanjing Research Institute of Simulation Technology (南京模拟技术研究所) (NRIST), also known as the 60th Research Institute of People's Liberation Army General Staff Department (总参六十所), an ISO 9001 ceritified research/production facility headquartered in Nanjing.


I-2 remotely piloted vehicle is an unmanned rotary wing UAV is in conventional helicopter layout and it has tricycle landing gear. It is primarily intended to be a training aid to air defense crews by simulating combat maneuvors of attack helicopters in combat scenarios. In addition to the three-blade main rotor, there is also a two-blade propeller driven tractor engine mounted in the nose, but I-2 lacks any tail rotor. Simulation I-2 unmanned rotary wing UAV performs can also be used in tactic development. Unlike most unmanned helicopters that takes-off on their own, I-2 adopts an unusual way to take-off of catapult assisted take-off: after engine started, the UAV is can be catapulted into the air. In addition to vertical landing, it can also land by taxiing. Specification:[1]


I-50 is a fixed wing UAV developed by NRIST to simulate combat maneuvores of modern jet fighters. I-50 has the identical layout of modern fighter such as Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale, and Saab JAS 39 Gripen. Unlike most other NRIST developed propeller-driven UAVs that are powered by tractor engine, propulsion of I-50 is provided by a two-blade propeller driven pusher engine mounted on the empennage. Specification:[1]

See also

List of unmanned aerial vehicles of the People's Republic of China


  1. 1 2 "I-series UAVs". Retrieved Jan 26, 2010.

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