Susan E. Eaton

Susan E. Eaton
Born 1964
Occupation Author, journalist, educator, scholar and philanthropic adviser
Nationality American
Notable works The Children in Room E4: American Education on Trial

Susan E. Eaton (born in 1964) is an American author, journalist, educator, scholar and philanthropic adviser. She is Professor of Practice and Director of the Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy at the Heller School for Social Policy at Brandeis University.[1]


Academic career

She is an adjunct lecturer Harvard Graduate School of Education at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Eaton's work has centered around civil rights in education, school desegregation, racial and ethnic diversity and inclusion in K-12 schools and immigration-related practice and policy at the state and local levels.[2]


She is the author of the books Integration Nation: Immigrants, Refugees and America at its Best, The Children in Room E4: American Education on Trial; The Other Boston Busing Story; and with Gary Orfield, co-author of Dismantling Desegregation: The Quiet Reversal of Brown v. Board of Education.

Eaton founded and co-directed the storytelling project One Nation Indivisible, ("Our Staff") from which the book Integration Nation grew.[3][4] Her writing has also appeared in The Nation, The New York Times and other publications.

From 2006 to 2015, Eaton was the research director at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School.[5][6]

Integration Nation is the WSU Common Reading for the 2016-17 academic year.[7]



  1. "Harvard's Susan Eaton selected as new director of the Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy | She has two sons, Will and Eli Kramer. The Heller School at Brandeis University". Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  2. "A letter from 106 Methodist pastors on Initiative 42". The Clarion Ledger. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  3. "Stories Show We Are One Nation Indivisible | Teaching Tolerance - Diversity, Equity and Justice". Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  4. "Guess who benefits most from racially diverse schools". Mother Jones Magazine. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  5. "Susan Eaton". The Nation. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  6. "How do we do ELL well?". Boston Globe. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  7. "Nominated for the 2016-17 academic yearReading". Washington State University. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  8. "Dismantling Desegr -Op/58". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  9. "The Other Boston Busing Story: Whats Won and Lost Across the Boundary Line". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  10. "The Children in Room E-4". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  11. "THE CHILDREN IN ROOM E4 by Susan Eaton". Kirkus Reviews. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
  12. "Integration Nation: Immigrants, Refugees, and America at Its Best". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
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