The dragon and daughter

Lindhøj (Hadsund)

The dragon and daughter (Danish: lindorm og jomfru[1]) is a Danish folktale.


Once upon a time, a father picked up nuts in forest. The father gave the nuts to his daughter. One nut had a worm inside. The daughter took care of the worm.The worm grew into a dragon.[2] The daughter was not able to send away the dragon.On the advice of the villager, the daughter decided to send a worm to an island. Daughter left for the island with the dragon. But, the island did not have a hill. Therefore, Daughter and dragon moved to the north loser of the Daughter and dragon lived Lundø island for several years. Dragon lived digging hole in Lundø island. There was the place with the hill called Hald.The dragon and daughter lived in Hald.It is said that the place was called Lindhöj.[3][4](mean "The hill of the dragon").

original text

28. Der var en jomfru, hendes fader havde fundet en nød i en skov, og så tog han den med hjem og gav datteren den. Der var en orm i den, og den opelskede hun og havde i en æske så længe, til den blev til en lindorm. Hun kunde ikke siden blive den kvit; men så blev der rådet hende, at hun skulde rejse over til en ø med den, hvor der ingen höje var. Så søgte hun til Lundø, og der boede hun i nogle år ude nord på landet. Lindormen gravede sig allerførst et hul ned i jorden, men så var der en höj ovre i Hald, der rejste denover til og boede i, og siden kaldtes denne höj Lindhöj.
Ane Kirstine Refsgård, Rødding.


  1. "Jomfru" mean Virginity.But original text use "datteren"(Daughter).
  2. The dragon is Lindworm.
  3. This word Lindhöj mean Linddalene too.
  4. Lindhöj=Lindhøj(see"Ø")

See also


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