Thoracic ganglia

Thoracic ganglia

Lower half of right sympathetic cord.
To thoracic splanchnic nerves, stellate ganglion
Latin ganglia thoracica
TA A14.3.01.024
FMA 77577

Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The thoracic ganglia are paravertebral ganglia. The thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk typically has 12 thoracic ganglia. Emerging from the ganglia are thoracic splanchnic nerves (the cardiopulmonary, the greater, lesser, and least splanchnic nerves) that help provide sympathetic innervation to abdominal structures.

Also, the ganglia of the thoracic sympathetic trunk have both white and gray rami communicantes. The white rami carry sympathetic fibers arising in the spinal cord into the sympathetic trunk.

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