Time of Fallen Blossoms

Time of Fallen Blossoms is 1951 book written by Allan Clifton. Clifton was an Australian intelligence officer with the British Commonwealth Occupation Force.[1] It is a memoir of his time in Japan in 1946 during the post-war occupation.[2][3] Clifton had studied Japanese for 12 years[4] and worked as an interpreter. His book contained accounts of Australian soldiers' mistreatment of Japanese Prisoners of War after the Japanese surrender[5] and gang rapes of Japanese women by Australian soldiers in Japan. The book was controversial in Australia as a result, and he was subsequently discredited by the Australian Army.[6]

The book received renewed attention in 2016 when a passage was referenced in a tweet by Australian journalist Scott McIntyre about past Australian war crimes in his criticism of Anzac Day.[7][8][9]


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