
UTC Time Zone Infobox

All time zones defined by difference with UTC
Min Behind (−) 0 Ahead (+)
:00 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
:30 9 3 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
:45 5 12 13
Areas in a darker shade use daylight saving time. The base color shows the standard time.
  UTC±00:00 ~ 0 degrees  all year
Local time: 2016-12-09 12:47:22
Central 0 degrees
Date-time group (DTG) Z
External links
UTC - 2010: Hawaiian Blue (January), Orange (July), Yellow (all year round), Light Blue - Sea areas

UTC±00:00 is the following time:

Western European Time (Northern Hemisphere winter only)

Main article: Western European Time


  1. The westernmost point where UTC with DST is applied is El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain (18°00' W). Time used there is 2 hours and 12 minutes ahead of physical time in the summer, making for the greatest discrepancy in the UTC time zone.
  2. The easternmost settlement where UTC with DST is applied is Lowestoft in Suffolk, East Anglia, England (at just 1°45' E).
  3. Note that Ireland[1] uses the term "standard time"[2] in reference to the summer months and "winter time" during what the rest of the time zone calls "standard time". This is the reverse of the practice of most countries in the EU, but provides the same end results.

Summer Time (Northern Hemisphere summer only)

As standard time (all year round)

The following is a list of places that use UTC as their standard time and do not observe Daylight saving time:

West Africa

Atlantic Islands



  1. The westernmost point where UTC with no DST is applied is Bjargtangar, at the northwest peninsula of Iceland (24°32' W). Time used there is 1 hour and 38 minutes ahead of physical time. This is the greatest deviation from physical time for UTC with no DST.
  2. The easternmost locale where UTC with no DST is applied is Bouvet Island, of Norwegian jurisdiction, at the South Atlantic Ocean (3°24' E).


  1. Standard Time (Amendment) Act, 1971  Schedule 1 Irish Statute Book
  2. "STANDARD TIME ACT, 1968". Office of the Attorney General, Ireland. Retrieved 29 June 2012.
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