
Stable release
1.9.1 / May 17, 2016 (2016-05-17)
Written in C
Operating system Cross-platform
Platform FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, Android, Windows and OS X/Darwin[1]
Type I/O Abstraction Library
License MIT

libuv is a multi-platform C library that provides support for asynchronous I/O based on event loops. It supports epoll(4), kqueue(2), Windows IOCP, and Solaris event ports. It is primarily designed for use in Node.js but it is also used by other software projects.[2] It was originally an abstraction around libev or Microsoft IOCP, as libev doesn't support Windows. In node-v0.9.0's version of libuv, the dependency on libev was removed.[3]



See also


  1. 1 2 "The libuv project page and source code". GitHub. Retrieved 30 June 2016.
  2. "Projects that use libuv". libuv GitHub project page. Retrieved 30 June 2016.
  3. an introduction to libuv

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 10/3/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.