List of philosophers born in the 20th century
Philosophers born in the 20th century (and others important in the history of philosophy) listed alphabetically:
- For the history of philosophy in the 20th century, see 20th-century philosophy.
- Note: This list has a minimal criterion for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed.
- Elisa Aaltola (born 1976)
- Nicola Abbagnano (1901–1990)
- Bijan Abdolkarimi (born 1963)
- Taha Abdurrahman (born 1944)
- David Abram (born 1957)
- Gerd B. Achenbach (born 1947)
- Peter Achinstein (born 1935)
- Hans Achterhuis (born 1942)
- H. B. Acton (1908–1974)
- Marilyn McCord Adams (born 1943)[b][c]
- Robert Merrihew Adams (born 1937)[b][c]
- Mortimer Adler (1902–2001)
- Theodor Adorno (1903–1969)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Sediq Afghan (born 1958)
- Michel Aflaq (1910–1989)
- Giorgio Agamben (born 1942)
- Hans Albert (born 1921)
- Rogers Albritton (1923–2002)
- Virgil Aldrich (1903–1998)[b]
- Gerda Alexander (1908–1994)
- Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov (1912–1999)
- Robert Alexy (born 1945)
- Diogenes Allen (born 1932)
- William Alston (1921–2009)[a][b][c]
- Louis Althusser (1918–1990)[a][b][c][d]
- Günther Anders (1902–1992)
- Alan Ross Anderson (1925–1973)[b][c]
- C. Anthony Anderson (born 1940)
- Pamela Sue Anderson
- G. E. M. Anscombe (1918–2001)[a][b][c][d]
- Karl-Otto Apel (born 1922)
- Kwame Anthony Appiah (born 1954)
- Hannah Arendt (1906–1975)[a][b][c][d][e]
- David Malet Armstrong (born 1926)[a][b][c][d]
- Zaki al-Arsuzi (1899–1968)
- Raymond Aron (1905–1983)
- Pandurang Shastri Athavale (1920–2003)
- Robert Audi (born 1941)
- John Langshaw Austin (1911–1960)[a][b][c][d]
- Alfred Jules Ayer (1910–1989)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Joxe Azurmendi (born 1941)
- Kent Bach (born 1943)
- Alain Badiou (born 1937)
- Archie J. Bahm (1907–1996)
- Annette Baier (1929–2012)[b]
- Kurt Baier (1917–2010)[b]
- Albena Bakratcheva (born 1961)
- Tom Baldwin (born 1947)
- Étienne Balibar (born 1942)
- Hassan al-Banna (1906–1949)
- Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (1915–1975)
- Jonathan Barnes (born 1942)[b][c]
- Brian Barry (1936–2009)[b][c]
- Norman P. Barry (1944–2008)
- William Barrett (1913–1992)
- Roland Barthes (1915–1980)[a][c][d]
- Jon Barwise (1942–2000)
- Jacques Barzun (1907–2012)
- Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007)[c][d][e]
- Monroe Beardsley (1915–1985)
- Jean Beaufret (1907–1982)
- William Bechtel (born 1951)
- Lewis White Beck (1913–1997)
- Francis J. Beckwith (born 1960)
- Nuel Belnap (born 1930)[b][c]
- Paul Benacerraf (born 1931)
- Jonathan Bennett (born 1930)[b][c]
- Geoffrey Bennington (born 1956)
- Frithjof Bergmann (born 1930)
- Gustav Bergmann (1906–1987)[a][b][c]
- Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Marshall Berman (1940–2013)
- Robert Bernasconi (born 1950)
- Alfred Bernhart (1914–2008)
- Andrew Bernstein (born 1949)
- Richard Bett
- Jean-Yves Béziau (born 1965)
- Homi K. Bhabha (born 1949)
- Roy Bhaskar (1944–2014)
- Harry Binswanger (born 1944)
- Max Black (1909–1988)[b][c]
- Simon Blackburn (born 1944)[b][c]
- Maurice Blanchot (1907–2003)[d]
- David Blitz
- Ned Block (born 1942)[b][c]
- Allan Bloom (1930–1992)
- Norberto Bobbio (1909–2004)[b][c][d]
- Jozef Maria Bochenski (1902–1995)
- Paul Boghossian
- Hilary Bok (born 1959)
- Sissela Bok (born 1934)
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945)[c][d]
- Laurence BonJour (born 1943)
- George Boolos (1940–1996)
- Nick Bostrom (born 1973)
- Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002)[d]
- Richard-Bevan Braithwaite (1900–1990)[b][c]
- Myles Brand (1942–2009)
- Robert Brandom (born 1950)[b][c]
- Richard B. Brandt (1910–1997)[a][b]
- Michael Bratman (born 1945)
- Stephen E. Braude (born 1945)
- Harry Brighouse
- Berit Brogaard (born 1970)
- Stephen Bronner (born 1949)
- John Broome (born 1947)
- Pascal Bruckner (born 1948)
- Mario Bunge (born 1919)
- Tyler Burge (born 1946)[b][c]
- John Burnheim (born 1928)
- Myles Burnyeat (born 1939)[b][c]
- Panayot Butchvarov (born 1933)
- Judith Butler (born 1956)
- Charles Butterworth (born 1938)
- Amílcar Cabral (1924–1973)[d]
- John Campbell (born 1956)[b][c]
- Albert Camus (1913–1960)[a][b][c][d]
- Georges Canguilhem (1904–1995)[a]
- John D. Caputo (born 1940)
- Nancy Cartwright (born 1944)[b][c]
- Quassim Cassam (born 1961)
- Hector-Neri Castañeda (1924–1991)[a]
- David Castle (born 1967)
- Cornelius Castoriadis (1922–1997)
- Paola Cavalieri (born 1950)
- Stanley Cavell (born 1926)[a][b][c][d]
- Michel de Certeau (1925–1986)[d]
- David Chalmers (born 1966)[c]
- Timothy Chambers
- David Charles
- Haridas Chaudhuri (1913–1975)
- Albert Chernenko (1935–2009)
- Roderick Chisholm (1916–1999)[a][b][c][d]
- Noam Chomsky (born 1928)[a][b][c][d]
- Alonzo Church (1903–1995)[a][b][c][d]
- Patricia Churchland (born 1943)[a]
- Paul Churchland (born 1942)[a][b][c]
- Frank Cioffi (1928–2012)
- Hélène Cixous (born 1937)[d]
- Andy Clark (born 1957)
- Stephen R. L. Clark (born 1945)
- David Cockburn (born 1949)
- Gerald Cohen (1941–2009)[b][c]
- L. Jonathan Cohen (1923–2006)[b][c]
- Lucio Colletti (1924–2001)[b][c]
- Robin Collins
- André Comte-Sponville (born 1952)
- Marcel Conche (born 1922)
- Frederick Copleston (1907–1994)
- Jack Copeland (born 1950)
- William Lane Craig (born 1949)
- Jean Curthoys (born 1947)
- Newton da Costa (born 1929)
- Mary Daly (1928–2010)
- Jonathan Dancy (born 1946)
- Arthur Danto (1924–2013)[a][b][c]
- Donald Davidson (1917–2003)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Brian Davies (born 1951)
- Michael Davis (born 1943)
- Simone de Beauvoir (1908–1986)[b][c][d][e]
- Alain de Benoist (born 1943)
- Alain de Botton (born 1969)
- Bruno de Finetti (1906–1985)[b][c]
- Paul de Man (1919–1983)[d]
- Guy Debord (1931–1994)
- Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995)[b][c][d][e]
- Bernard Delfgaauw (1912–1993)
- Daniel Dennett (born 1942)[a][b][c][d]
- Douglas Den Uyl (born 1950)
- Jacques Derrida (1930–2004)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Vincent Descombes (born 1943)
- Sousa Dias (born 1956)
- Daniel Dombrowski (born 1953)
- Keith Donnellan (1931–2015)
- Fred Dretske (1932–2013)[a][b][c]
- Hubert Dreyfus (born 1929)
- Michael Dummett (1925–2011)[a][b][c][d]
- Ronald Dworkin (1931–2013)[a][b][c][d]
- Miroslaw Dzielski (1941–1989)
- William A. Earle (1919–1988)
- John Earman (born 1942)[c]
- Umberto Eco (1932–2016)[a]
- Dorothy Edgington (born 1941)
- James M. Edie (1927–1998)
- Paul Edwards (1923–2004)[b][c]
- Mircea Eliade (1907–1986)[d]
- Ignacio Ellacuria (1930–1989)
- Jacques Ellul (1912–1994)
- Jon Elster (born 1940)[b][c]
- John Etchemendy (born 1952)
- Gareth Evans (1946–1980)[b][c][d]
- Stanley Eveling (1925–2008)
- Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze (1963–2007)
- Emil Fackenheim (1916–2003)[d][e]
- Frantz Fanon (1925–1961)[b][c][d]
- Austin Marsden Farrer (1904–1968)[d]
- Solomon Feferman (born 1928)
- Herbert Feigl (1902–1988)
- Joel Feinberg (1926–2004)[b][c]
- José Ferrater Mora (1912–1991)[b][c]
- Paul Feyerabend (1924–1994)[b][c][d][e]
- Hartry Field (born 1946)[b][c]
- Arthur Fine (born 1937)
- Kit Fine (born 1946)[b][c]
- John Finnis (born 1940)[b][c]
- Owen Flanagan (born 1940)
- Richard E. Flathman (1934–2015)
- Antony Flew (1923–2010)
- Luciano Floridi (born 1964)
- Vilém Flusser (1920–1991)
- Jerry Fodor (born 1935)[a][b][c][d]
- Dagfinn Føllesdal (born 1932)[b][c]
- Philippa Foot (1920–2010)[a][b][c]
- Michel Foucault (1926–1984)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Bas van Fraassen (born 1941)
- William K. Frankena (1908–1994)[a][b][c]
- Harry Frankfurt (born 1929)[b][c]
- Oliver Shewell Franks (1905–1992)
- Michael Frede (1940–2007)[b][c]
- Hans Wilhelm Frei (1922–1988)[d]
- Erich Fromm (1900–1980)
- Northrop Frye (1912–1991)
- Lon L. Fuller (1902–1978)[d]
- Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Raimond Gaita (born 1946)
- David Gauthier (born 1932)[b][c]
- Peter Geach (born 1916)[a][b][c]
- Ernest Gellner (1925–1995)
- Gerhard Gentzen (1909–1945)[b][c][d]
- Alexander George
- Bernard Gert (1934–2011)
- Edmund Gettier (born 1927)[b][c]
- Raymond Geuss (born 1948)
- Alan Gewirth (1912–2004)[b][c]
- Rashid al-Ghannushi (born 1941)
- Allan Gibbard (born 1942)[b][c]
- Margaret Gilbert (born 1942)
- Neil Gillman (born 1933)
- René Girard (1923–2015)
- Ernst von Glasersfeld (1917–2010)
- Jonathan Glover (born 1941)[b][c]
- Kurt Gödel (1906–1978)[b][c][d]
- Peter Goldie (1946–2011)
- Alvin Goldman (born 1938)[a][b][c]
- Lucien Goldmann (1913–1970)
- Jacob Golomb
- Nicolás Gómez Dávila (1913–1994)
- Nelson Goodman (1906–1998)[a][b][c][d]
- Paul Goodman (1911–1972)
- Allan Gotthelf (1942–2013)
- George Grant (1918–1988)
- John Gray (born 1948)
- A. C. Grayling (born 1949)
- Celia Green (born 1935)
- Herbert Paul Grice (1913–1988)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Germain Grisez (born 1929)[b]
- Adolf Grünbaum (born 1923)[b][c]
- Félix Guattari (1930–1992)
- Gotthard Günther (1900–1984)
- Samuel Guttenplan (born 1944)
- Paul Guyer (born 1948)
- Kwame Gyekye (born 1939)
- Susan Haack (born 1945)
- Jürgen Habermas (born 1929)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Peter Hacker (born 1939)
- Ian Hacking (born 1936)[b][c]
- Manly Palmer Hall (1901–1990)
- Philip Hallie (1922–1994)
- Stuart Hampshire (1914–2004)[b][c]
- Alastair Hannay (born 1932)[b][c]
- Norwood Russell Hanson (1922–1967)[d]
- Donna Haraway (born 1944)
- Michael Hardt (born 1960)
- John E. Hare (born 1949)
- R. M. Hare (1919–2002)[a][b][c][d]
- Gilbert Harman (born 1938)[b][c]
- Errol Harris (1908–2009)
- H. L. A. Hart (1907–1992)[a][b][c][d]
- David Bentley Hart (born 1965)
- Sally Haslanger
- John Haugeland (1945–2010)
- John Hawthorne
- Werner Heisenberg (1901–1976)[b][c][d]
- Ágnes Heller (born 1929)
- Erich Heller (1911–1990)
- Futa Helu (1934–2010)
- Carl Gustav Hempel (1905–1997)[a][b][c][d]
- Michel Henry (1922–2002)
- Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907–1972)[d]
- Mary Hesse (born 1924)
- John Hick (1922–2012)[b]
- Stephen Hicks (born 1960)
- Alice von Hildebrand (born 1923)
- Jaakko Hintikka (1929–2015)[a][b][c]
- Ted Honderich (born 1933)[c]
- Sidney Hook (1902–1989)[b][c]
- Jennifer Hornsby (born 1951)[b][c]
- Paul Horwich (born 1947)[b][c]
- John Hospers (1918–2011)
- Paulin J. Hountondji (born 1942)
- Rosalind Hursthouse (born 1943)
- Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899–1977)
- Hsu Fu-kuan (1903–1982)[a]
- Jean Hyppolite (1907–1968)
- Don Ihde (born 1934)
- Evald Vassilievich Ilyenkov (1924–1979)[d]
- Peter van Inwagen (born 1942)
- Luce Irigaray (born 1930)[a][b][c][d]
- Terence Irwin (born 1947)[b][c]
- Frank Jackson (born 1943)[b][c]
- Fredric Jameson (born 1934)
- Christopher Janaway
- Erich Jantsch (1929–1980)
- Richard C. Jeffrey (1926–2002)[b][c]
- Hans Jonas (1903–1993)
- Shelly Kagan (born 1954)[c]
- Robert Kane (born 1938)
- Jerrold Katz (1932–2002)
- Walter Kaufmann (1921–1980)
- David Kaplan (born 1933)[b][c]
- David Kelley (born 1949)
- Anthony Kenny (born 1931)[b][c]
- Mahmoud Khatami
- Jaegwon Kim (born 1934)[a][b][c]
- Mark Kingwell (born 1963)
- Robert Kirk
- Richard Kirkham (born 1955)
- Philip Kitcher (born 1947)[c]
- Martha Klein
- Peter D. Klein (born 1940)
- Brian Klug
- William Calvert Kneale (1906–1990)[b][c]
- Hans Köchler (born 1948)
- Arthur Koestler (1905–1983)
- Alexandre Kojève (1902–1968)[d]
- John Kok (born 1948)
- Leszek Kolakowski (1927–2009)
- Hilary Kornblith
- Stephan Körner (1913–2000)
- Christine Korsgaard (born 1952)[c]
- Peter Kreeft (born 1937)
- Georg Kreisel[b][c]
- Saul Kripke (born 1940)[b][c]
- Julia Kristeva (born 1941)[a][b][c][d]
- Irving Kristol (1920–2009)
- Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (1909–1999)
- Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922–1996)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Will Kymlicka (born 1962)
- Jacques Lacan (1901–1981)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe (1940–2007)[d]
- Imre Lakatos (1922–1974)[b][c][d][e]
- Michèle Le Dœuff (born 1948)[b][c][d]
- Henri Lefebvre (1901–1991)[d]
- Keith Lehrer (born 1936)[b][c]
- Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903–1994)[d]
- Brian Leiter (born 1963)
- James G. Lennox (born 1948)
- Ernest Lepore
- Isaac Levi (born 1930)
- Emmanuel Levinas (1906–1995)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908–2009)[b][c][d]
- Bernard-Henri Lévy (born 1948)
- David Kellogg Lewis (1941–2001)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Suzanne Lilar (1901–1992)
- Alphonso Lingis (born 1933)
- Gilles Lipovetsky (born 1944)
- Arthur Lipsett (1936–1986)
- Knud Ejler Løgstrup (1905–1981)
- Bernard Lonergan (1904–1984)[d]
- Paul Lorenzen (1915–1995)[d]
- Roderick T. Long (born 1964)
- John R. Lucas (born 1929)[b]
- Peter Ludlow (born 1957)
- William Lycan (born 1945)[b][c]
- Jean-François Lyotard (1924–1998)[a][b][c][d]
- Dwight Macdonald (1906–1982)
- Tibor R. Machan (1939–2016)
- Alasdair MacIntyre (born 1929)[a][b][c][d]
- Louis Mackey (1926–2004)
- John Leslie Mackie (1917–1981)[b][c]
- Penelope Maddy (born 1950)
- Norman Malcolm (1911–1990)[a][b][c]
- David Malament (born 1947)
- Mostafa Malekian (born 1956)
- Merab Mamardashvili (1930–1990)[d]
- Jon Mandle
- Claude Mangion (born 1961)[a]
- Ruth Barcan Marcus (1921–2012)[a][b][c]
- Julián Marías (1914–2005)
- Donald A. Martin (born 1940)
- Michael Martin (1932–2015)
- Abul A'la Maududi (1903–1979)
- George I. Mavrodes
- Ron McClamrock
- John McDowell (born 1942)[b][c]
- Colin McGinn (born 1950)[b][c]
- Terence McKenna (1946–2000)
- Marshall McLuhan (1911–1980)
- Jeff McMahan (born 1954)
- John McMurtry
- Alfred Mele
- David Hugh Mellor (born 1938)[b][c]
- Eduardo Mendieta (born 1963)
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Thomas Metzinger (born 1958)
- Vincent Miceli (1915–1991)
- Mary Midgley (born 1919)
- Alan Millar (born 1947)
- Fred Miller
- Ruth Millikan (born 1933)[b][c]
- C. Wright Mills (1916–1962)
- Richard Montague (1930–1971)[c][d]
- Max More (born 1964)
- J. P. Moreland (born 1948)
- Sidney Morgenbesser (1921–2004)
- Adam Morton (born 1945)
- Mou Zongsan (1909–1995)[a]
- Iris Murdoch (1919–1999)[b][c]
- Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922–1999)
- Arne Næss (1912–2009)[b][d]
- Ernest Nagel (1901–1985)[a][b][c][d]
- Thomas Nagel (born 1937)[a][b][c][d]
- Jean-Luc Nancy (born 1940)[d]
- Jan Narveson (born 1936)
- Hossein Nasr(born 1933)
- Stephen Neale(born 1958)
- Antonio Negri (born 1933)
- Oskar Negt(born 1934)
- Alexander Nehamas (born 1946)
- John von Neumann (1903–1957)[a][b][c][d]
- Jay Newman (1948–2007)
- Kai Nielsen (born 1926)
- Nishitani Keiji (1900–1990)[b][c][d]
- Kwame Nkrumah (1909–1972)[b][c]
- Nel Noddings (born 1929)
- Ernst Nolte (born 1923)
- Calvin Normore (born 1948)
- Christopher Norris (born 1947)
- David L. Norton (1930–1995)
- Robert Nozick (1938–2001)[a][b][c][d]
- Martha Nussbaum (born 1947)[a][b][c]
- Anthony O'Hear
- Onora O'Neill (born 1941)
- Michael Oakeshott (1901–1990)[a][b][c][d]
- Albert Outler (1908–1989)
- Gwilyn Ellis Lane Owen (1922–1982)[b][c][d]
- David Papineau (born 1947)[b][c]
- Derek Parfit (born 1942)[a][b][c]
- John Arthur Passmore (1914–2004)[d]
- Jan Patočka (1907–1977)[d]
- Christopher Peacocke (born 1950)[b][c]
- David Pearce
- David Pears (1921–2009)[b][c]
- Jean-Jacques Pelletier (born 1947)
- Leonard Peikoff (born 1933)
- Lorenzo Peña (born 1944)
- Richard Stanley Peters (1919–2011)[b]
- Philip Pettit (born 1945)
- Gualtiero Piccinini (born 1970)
- Herman Philipse (born 1951)
- D. Z. Phillips (1934–2006)
- Giovanni Piana (born 1940)
- Alexander Piatigorsky (1929–2009)
- Robert M. Pirsig (born 1928)
- Alvin Plantinga (born 1932)[a][b][c]
- Thomas Pogge (born 1953)
- Louis P. Pojman (1935–2005)
- Leonardo Polo (1926–2013)
- Richard Popkin (1923–2005)
- K. J. Popma (1903–1986)
- Karl Popper (1902–1994)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Dag Prawitz (born 1936)
- Graham Priest (born 1948)
- Arthur Prior (1914–1969)[c][d][e]
- Harry Prosch (1917–2005)
- Hilary Putnam (1926–2016)[a][b][c][d]
- Andrew Pyle (born 1955)
- Qiu Renzong (born 1933)
- Willard Van Orman Quine (1908–2000)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Anthony Quinton (1925–2010)[b][c]
- Sayyid Qutb (1906–1966)
- James Rachels (1941–2003)
- Ayn Rand (1905–1982)[e]
- Karl Rahner (1904–1984)[d]
- Peter Railton (born 1950)
- Tariq Ramadan (born 1962)
- Frank P. Ramsey (1903–1930)[a][b][c][d][e]*
- Ian Thomas Ramsey (1915–1972)[d]
- Paul Ramsey (1913–1988)
- Jacques Rancière (born 1940)
- Douglas B. Rasmussen (born 1948)
- John Rawls (1921–2002)[a][b][c][d]
- Joseph Raz (born 1939)
- George Reisman (born 1937)
- Nicholas Rescher (born 1928)[b][c]
- Janet Radcliffe Richards (born 1944)[b][c]
- Radovan Richta (1924–1983)
- Paul Ricoeur (1913–2005)[a][b][c][d][e]
- R. R. Rockingham Gill (born 1944)
- Avital Ronell (born 1952)
- Richard Rorty (1931–2007)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Gillian Rose (1947–1995)
- Alexander Rosenberg (born 1946)
- Gian-Carlo Rota (1932–1999)
- Joseph Rovan (1918–2004)
- William L. Rowe (born 1931)
- Michael Ruse (born 1940)
- Gilbert Ryle (1900–1976)[a][b][c][d]
- Robert Rynasiewicz
- Mark Sainsbury (born 1943)[b][c]
- Nathan Salmon (born 1951)
- Wesley Salmon (1925–2001)[b][c]
- Michael J. Sandel (born 1953)[b]
- David H. Sanford (born 1937)
- Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (1921–1990)
- Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Crispin Sartwell (born 1958)
- John Ralston Saul (born 1947)
- Fernando Savater (born 1947)
- Thomas Scanlon (born 1940)[c]
- Richard Schacht (born 1941)[b][c]
- Francis Schaeffer (1912–1984)
- Stephen Schiffer (born 1940)[c]
- Hubert Schleichert (born 1935)
- J. B. Schneewind (born 1930)
- Frithjof Schuon (1907–1998)
- Roger Scruton (born 1944)[b]
- John Searle (born 1932)[a][b][c][d]
- Wilfrid Sellars (1912–1989)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Amartya Sen (born 1933)[b][c]
- Michel Serres (born 1930)
- Neven Sesardić (born 1949)
- Stanley Sfekas (born 1942)
- Stewart Shapiro (born 1951)
- Dariush Shayegan (born 1935)
- Abner Shimony (1928–2015)
- Sydney Shoemaker (born 1931)[b][c]
- Richard Shusterman
- Peter Singer (born 1946)[b][c]
- B. F. Skinner (1904–1990)[d]
- John Skorupski (born 1946)
- Brian Skyrms (born 1938)
- Michael Slote
- Peter Sloterdijk (born 1947)
- J. J. C. Smart (1920–2012)[a][b][c][d]
- Huston Smith (born 1919)
- Michael A. Smith (born 1954)
- Tara Smith (born 1961)
- Raymond Smullyan (born 1919)
- Joseph D. Sneed (born 1938)
- Scott Soames (born 1946)
- Elliott Sober (born 1948)
- Alan Soble (born 1947)
- Robert C. Solomon (1942–2007)
- Joseph Soloveitchik (1903–1993)[d][e]
- Richard Sorabji (born 1934)[b][c]
- Abdolkarim Soroush (born 1945)
- David Sosa
- Ernest Sosa (born 1940)[b][c]
- Thomas Sowell (born 1930)
- David Spangler (born 1945)
- Herbert Spiegelberg (1904–1990)
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (born 1942)
- Timothy Sprigge (1932–2007)[b][c]
- Edward Stachura (1937–1979)
- Robert Stalnaker (born 1940)[b][c]
- Jason Stanley (born 1969)
- Charles Leslie Stevenson (1908–1979)[b][c][d]
- Stephen Stich (born 1943) [b][c]
- Bernard Stiegler (born 1952)
- Dejan Stojanović (born 1959)
- Jeffrey Stout (born 1950)
- David Stove (1927–1994)
- Galen Strawson (born 1952)
- P. F. Strawson (1919–2006)[a][b][c][d]
- Gisela Striker (born 1943)
- Barry Stroud (born 1935)[b][c]
- Patrick Suppes (1922–2014)
- Richard Swinburne (born 1934)[a][b][c]
- David Sztybel (born 1967)
- Javad Tabatabai (born 1945)
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb (born 1960)
- Robert B. Talisse (born 1970)
- Tang Junyi (1909–1978)[a]
- Alfred Tarski (1901–1983)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Charles Taylor (born 1931)[a][b][c][d]
- Richard Taylor (1919–2003)[b][c]
- Placide Tempels (1906–1977)
- Neil Tennant (born 1950)
- Irving Thalberg Jr. (1930–1988)
- Helmut Thielicke (1908–1986)[d]
- Judith Jarvis Thomson (born 1929)[a][b][c]
- Tzvetan Todorov (born 1939)[d]
- Stephen Toulmin (1922–2009)
- Peter Tudvad (born 1966)
- Ernst Tugendhat (born 1930)[b][c]
- Raimo Tuomela (born 1940)
- Alan Turing (1912–1954)[b][c][d][e]
- Peter Unger (born 1942)
- Ivo Urbančič (born 1930)
- Alasdair Urquhart (born 1945)
- Bas van Fraassen (born 1941)[b][c]
- Peter van Inwagen (born 1942)
- Philippe Van Parijs (born 1951)
- Francisco Varela (1946–2001)
- Juha Varto (born 1949)
- Gianni Vattimo (born 1936)[d]
- Achille Varzi (born 1958)
- Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez (1915–2011)
- Henry Babcock Veatch (1911–1997)
- Michel Villey (1914–1988)[d]
- Gregory Vlastos (1907–1991)[b][c][d]
- Eric Voegelin (1901–1985)[d]
- Jules Vuillemin (1920–2001)
- Georg Henrik von Wright (1916–2003)[a][b][c][d]
- Margaret Urban Walker (born 1948)
- Doug Walton
- Kendall Walton (born 1939)[c]
- Michael Walzer (born 1935)[b][c]
- Ernest Wamba dia Wamba (born 1942)
- Hao Wang (1921–1995)[b][c]
- Georgia Warnke
- Geoffrey J. Warnock (1923–1996)[b][c]
- Mary Warnock (born 1924)[b][c]
- Alan Watts (1915–1973)
- Brian Weatherson
- Simone Weil (1909–1943)[a][b][c][d]
- Morris Weitz (1916–1981)
- Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker (1912–2007)
- Albrecht Wellmer (born 1933)
- Cornel West (born 1953)
- Jennifer Whiting
- David Wiggins (born 1933)[b][c]
- John Daniel Wild (1902–1972)
- Dallas Willard (1935–2013)
- Bernard Williams (1929–2003)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Timothy Williamson (born 1955)[c]
- Jessica Wilson
- Margaret Dauler Wilson (1939–1998)
- Peter Winch (1926–1997)[b][c]
- Kwasi Wiredu (born 1931)
- John Wisdom (1904–1993)[b][c]
- Charlotte Witt (born 1951)
- Monique Wittig (1935–2003)
- Susan R. Wolf (born 1952)
- Ursula Wolf (born 1951)
- Richard Wollheim (1923–2003)[b][c]
- Nicholas Wolterstorff (born 1932)
- Paul Woodruff (born 1943)
- Crispin Wright (born 1942)[b][c]
- Jerzy Wróblewski (1926–1990)[d]
- Alison Wylie
- Xu Liangying (1920–2013)
- Cemal Yıldırım (1925–2009)
- Francis Parker Yockey (1917–1960)
- Arthur M. Young (1905–1995)
- Damon Young (born 1975)
- Iris Marion Young (1949–2006)
- Jiyuan Yu (born 1964)
- Santiago Zabala (born 1975)
- Naomi Zack
- Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski (born 1946)
- Dan Zahavi
- José Zalabardo (born 1964)
- Edward N. Zalta (born 1952)
- Marlène Zarader (born 1949)
- Ingo Zechner (born 1972)
- Eddy Zemach
- John Zerzan (born 1943)
- Yujian Zheng
- Zhai Zhenming (born 1957)
- Zhou Guoping (born 1945)
- Paul Ziff (1920–2003)
- Robert Zimmer (born 1953)
- Dean Zimmerman
- Michael E. Zimmerman (born 1946)
- Alexander Zinoviev (1922–2006)
- Slavoj Žižek (born 1949)
- Elémire Zolla (1926–2002)
- Volker Zotz (born 1956)
- François Zourabichvili (1965–2006)
- Estanislao Zuleta (1935–1990)
- Alenka Zupančič (born 1965)
- Jan Zwicky (born 1955)
See also
- List of philosophers born in the centuries BC
- List of philosophers born in the 1st through 10th centuries
- List of philosophers born in the 11th through 14th centuries
- List of philosophers born in the 15th and 16th centuries
- List of philosophers born in the 17th century
- List of philosophers born in the 18th century
- List of philosophers born in the 19th century
<div class="reflist" " style=" list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press; 1995. ISBN 0-19-866132-0
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press; 2005. ISBN 0-19-926479-1
- Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge; 2000. ISBN 0-415-22364-4
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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