Manfred Krug

Manfred Krug (February 8, 1937 – October 21, 2016) was a German actor, singer and author.
Life and work
Krug was born in Duisburg in 1937. After moving to East Germany at the age of 13, Krug worked at a steel plant before beginning his acting career on the stage and, ultimately, in film. By the end of the 1950s he had several film roles, and in 1960 he appeared in Frank Beyer's successful war movie Fünf Patronenhülsen (Five Cartridges). Many more film roles followed, with Krug often cast as a socialist hero. Krug also achieved notability as a popular jazz singer, often in collaboration with composer Guenther Fischer.
In 1976 the East German government (GDR) forbade Krug to work as an actor and singer because he participated in protests against the expulsion and stripping of GDR citizenship of Wolf Biermann. On April 20, 1977 he requested to leave the GDR and as soon as he got the approval he left the GDR and moved to Schöneberg in West Berlin.
After moving back to West Germany he very soon got new roles as an actor but very rarely sang in public for a long time. In 1978 Krug appeared as one of the male leads of the action-drama television series Auf Achse, and would continue to appear on the series until 1995, one year before the show ended its long run. Krug's various television roles even included a two-year stint on the children's program Sesamstraße, the German version of the American children's program Sesame Street. In the 1980s and 1990s, he also starred as Hauptkommissar Paul Stoever in the Tatort series of TV crime movies, which would eventually run for forty installments in total. He died on October 21, 2016 in Berlin.[1]
- 1962 Heinrich-Greif-Preis First Class for Auf der Sonnenseite, ensemble award
- 1963 Erich-Weinert-Medaille for Beschreibung eines Sommers with Christel Bodenstein
- 1965 Erich-Weinert-Medaille for Die Abenteuer des Werner Holt, ensemble award
- 1968 National Prize of East Germany First Class for Wege übers Land, ensemble award
- 1971 National Prize of East Germany Second Class
- 1972 "Ehrende Anerkennung" (Special Award) at Workers' Filmfestival of Czechoslovakia for Die gestohlene Schlacht
- 1973 Verdienstmedaille der DDR
- 1979 Goldene Europa of Europawelle Saar
- 1984 Goldener Bambi
- 1990 Bayerischer Fernsehpreis for TV series Liebling Kreuzberg (SFB/NDR/WDR), together with Jurek Becker and Werner Masten
- 1990 Bavarian Film Awards, Best Actor
- 2006 Platin Romy lifetime award
Filmography (Selection)
- 1968: Wege übers Land
- 1973: Stülpner-Legende
- 1982: Die Fischer von Moorhövd
- Auf Achse
- Liebling Kreuzberg
- Tatort
- Wir sind auch nur ein Volk
- Sesamstraße
- Detektivbüro Roth
- 1962: Auf der Sonnenseite
- 1964: Jazz und Lyrik
- 1965: Manfred Krug und die Modern Jazz Big Band
- 1966: Lyrik - Jazz - Prosa (with Eberhard Esche, Gerd E. Schäfer, Annekathrin Bürger and others, in different editions and under different names, some of them in censored versions without Manfred Krug)
- 1969: Onkel Toms Hütte (Hörbuch, Krug singing to spirituals)
- 1970: Fredmanns Episteln an diese und jene aber hauptsächlich an Ulla Winblad (after Carl Michael Bellman)
- 1971: Das war nur ein Moment
- 1973: Ein Hauch von Frühling
- 1974: Greens
- 1976: Du bist heute wie neu
- 1977: Abgehauen
- 1979: Da bist Du ja
- 1997: Anthologie
- 2000: Tatort – die Songs (with Charles Brauer)
- 2000: Evergreens - Das Beste von Manfred Krug - 1962–1977
- 2000: Deutsche Schlager
- 2000: Schlafstörung
- 2001: Manfred Krug Live mit Fanny (with Fanny Krug)
- 2002: Leben bis Männer (Audiobook; from Thomas Brussig)
- 2002: Der Weihnachtskrug
- 2003: Sweet Nothings (with Decebal Badila and Fanny Krug)
- 2005: Geschichten Vom Herrn K. (Audiobook; from Bertolt Brecht)
- 2005: Lust des Beginnens (Audiobook; from Bertolt Brecht)
- 2005: Neuigkeiten an Manfred Krug und Otti (Audiobook; from Jurek Becker)
- Abgehauen (1997) ISBN 3-548-75041-9
- Mein schönes Leben (2003) ISBN 3-430-15733-1