Mow, Gaya

Mow is a village situated on the Gaya-Kurtha Road in the Gaya district in the Indian state of Bihar. It is at a distance of about 5 km from Tekari and around 35 km from the Gaya City of Bihar, India.

Mow has a government hospital, high school, government college and police station. Though the village is mainly dominated by Bhumihar Brahmin's community (a community mainly found in Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh), people from other communities reside together in peace and harmony.

The main source of income for the village is agriculture. The main crops are rice, wheat, pulses, and sugarcane. The irrigation requirements are met by a canal originating from the River Sone.

Mow is one of the earliest electrified villages in the Gaya district, having received electricity in the early 1980s. Mow has intellectual capital and people from this village have competed in all national and international exams such as IIT, BIT, NIT, GRE, GMAT, AIEEE, AIIMS, Armymen, Advocate, P.O and are working across the globe thus serving the entire world. This village has opportunity for future investments as it has very good infrastructure and road connectivity.

During the Indian independence movement, people from this village made contributions to the independence of the country. The village consists of a number of freedom fighters.[1]


Coordinates: 25°04′N 74°05′E / 25.067°N 74.083°E / 25.067; 74.083

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