Suyarganovo culture
Geographical range | Aral Sea region |
Period | Bronze Age |
Dates | c. 2000 BC – 1000 BC |
Preceded by | Kelteminar culture |
The Suyarganovo culture - archaeological culture of the Bronze Age, II millennium b.c. - I millennium b.c. The population of Suyarganovo culture lived in Aral, near Akcha Darya river (Amu Darya delta), the area of the historic Khwarezm.
In the middle of the II-nd thousand b.c., the population of Suyarganovo culture coexists with the tribes of the Tazabagyab culture. Typical ceramics - flat-bottomed vessels (often with a red or orange color) with a short neck (often with carvings) and rounded torso. Homes and dwellings of Suyarganovo occupies a large area, mostly along the banks of fluvial channels.
Main activity - hunting and fishing. Dwellings - columnar construction - ground, oval shape. The arrowheads, knives, scrapers from flint and quartzite. Flat-bottomed pottery modeled with a mixture of wood and seashells.[1]
Main activity - irrigation farming. Kamyshli stage after migration a new population, historically associated with the south, to the territory of Turkmenistan (Anau archaeological culture)[2] and the Iranian plateau.[3]
Main activity - herding. Bronze sickles and edged knives. Pottery was burned and carefully covered with relief ornament. Characterized by large dwellings of 250×150 m (Kaunda-1). The instruments were made of stone and bronze. Dwellings - rectangular huts. Closely associated with the population Tazabagyab archaeological culture.
The ethnic origin
- Post-Kelteminar stage of Suyarganovo culture, some researchers have linked to the local Finno-Ugric component.[4] [5]
- Kamyshli stage associated with the population of the migration Hurrians-Mitanni tribes[6] from Iranian plateau to the Aral Sea region in the II millennium b.c.[7]
- The latest - Kaunda stage of Suyurganovo culture is a consequence of cultural and ethnic contact the population of Suyarganovo culture with Indo-Iranian tribes (Tazabagyab culture).
The anthropological types
The basic anthropological type of population from Suyarganovo culture - Indo-dravidian, at a latest Kaunda stage with minor Eastern Mediterranean anthropological type characteristic of Andronovo tribes[8][9]
Archaeological dwellings
Kamyshli, Dzanbas-6 Kokcha-2, Bazar-2, Kaunda-1 and others.
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- ↑ Культура и искусство древнего Хорезма. М., Наука, 1981, С.8.
- ↑ Ртвеладзе Э.В. Цивилизации, культуры, государства Центральной Азии. Ташкент, УМЭД, 2005, С.11.
- ↑ Начало этнической истории народов Средней Азии и Казахстана
- ↑ Masson B.M. Древние цивилизации Востока и степные племена в свете данных археологии (in russian)
- ↑ Yablonsky L.T. Kelteminar craniology. Intra-group analysis//Soviet Ethnography, Moscow, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1985, No 2. pp. 127-140
- ↑ Muratov B.A., Suyunov R.R., Arsanov P.M. The DNA-genealogy of Bashkirs tribes - 5. The descendants of Muytens (Hurrians-Mitanni)//BEHPS, Volume 2, №10[1,2], November 2015, P.950-963
- ↑ Толстова Л.С. Древнейшие юго-западные связи в этногенезе каракалпаков//Советская этнография, №2. М., 1971, С.29.
- ↑ МХЭ. Вып. 5. М., I960; Гинзбург В.В., Трофимов Т.А. Палеоантропология Средней Азии. М., 1972, с. 81—88.
- ↑ Атамуратова Д.Р. Этнокультурная ситуация в Хорезме (V-II тыс. до н.э.), С.22