
For the Albanian mountain, see Mount Tomorr.

Tomor is the father of gods and humans in the Albanian mythology. He was also referred to as Baba Tomor (English: father Tomor).[1]


Baba Tomor is seen as an old man with a long white beard flowing down to his belt. According to some scholars deity of Tomor has precedents in the Illyrian times.[2] He is accompanied by two female eagles and the winds are his servants.[2] His consort was a mysterious goddess referred to as Bukura e dheut.


The cult of Tomor has been linked to romantic nationalism by many Rilindas.[3] In 1902, Andon Zako Çajupi, a notable Albanian rilindas, published in Cairo an anthology called Baba-Tomorri ("Father Tomorr"). Even today, Albanian people swear by him.[1]

See also


  1. 1 2 Lurker, Manfred (1984). The Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons, Taylor & Francis e-Library. p.186
  2. 1 2 Lurker, Manfred (2004). The Routledge dictionary of gods and goddesses, devils and demons. Routledge. p. 186. ISBN 0-415-34018-7.
  3. A Dictionary of Albanian Religion, Mythology and Folk culture,page253,by Robert Elsie,2001

External links

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