List of cities in Switzerland

These are lists of towns (and cities) in Switzerland. Until 2014 municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants were considered to be towns (German: Stadt/Städte, French: ville(s), Italian: città). Since 2014, the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) uses a new algorithm (called German: Statistische Städte 2012, or French: Villes statistiques 2012) to define whether a municipality can be called a town or not; it newly also depends on its character.[1] Currently, FSO considers 162 municipalities as towns (German: Statistische Städte 2012, French: Villes statistiques 2012) in Switzerland. Further, some municipalities, which would fulfill such a definition, nevertheless prefer to understand themselves still as a village, or consequently refer to themselves just as municipalities (German: Gemeinde, French: commune, Italian: commune).

See Municipalities of Switzerland for a table of the largest and smallest.[2]:14-19

Population of towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants (2010)

Largest towns in Switzerland:

  1. Zürich
  2. Geneva
  3. Basel
  4. Lausanne
  5. Bern
  6. Winterthur
  7. Lucerne
  8. St. Gallen
  9. Lugano
  10. Biel/Bienne
  11. Thun
  12. (Köniz, statistically only, the whole municipality, but not the village)
  13. La Chaux-de-Fonds
  14. Fribourg
  15. Schaffhausen
  16. Chur
  17. Vernier
  18. Neuchâtel
  19. Uster
  20. Sion

List of towns

This is an alphabetical list of towns, which follows FSO's definition (German: Statistische Städte 2012, French: Villes statistiques 2012), and places with historic town rights (h) and/or market towns (m).[2]:14-19

Town Town (h) or
market (m)
founded & reference
District Canton Population (2014) Agglomeration[3]
Town proper[2]:14-19 total Agglo[4]
Aarau h 1240-1250[5] Aarau AG 20,445 75,800 Aarau
Aarberg h 1220-1225[6] Aarberg BE 3,200? -
Aarburg h ~1330[7] Zofingen AG 6,300? 97,200 Olten–Zofingen
Adliswil - Horgen ZH 18,448 1,249,800 Zurich
Aesch (BL)[note 1] - Arlesheim BL 10,155 521,200 Basel (CH)
Affoltern am Albis[note 2] - Affoltern ZH 11,552 1,249,800 Zurich
Agno[note 2] m Roman & Middle Age[8] Lugano TI 4,200? 150,500 Lugano (CH)
Aigle m 1231[9] Aigle VD 9,973 -
Allschwil[note 2] - Arlesheim BL 20,411 521,200 Basel (CH)
Altdorf (UR)[note 2] m n.d., c. Late Middle Age[10] - UR 9,141 -
Altstätten m[11] Rheintal SG 11,273 56,300 Rheintal (CH)
Amriswil - Bischofszell TG 12,814 24,900 Amriswil–Romanshorn
Appenzell m Appenzell AI 5,500? -
Arbon h Arbon TG 14,012 53,400 Arbon–Rorschach
Arlesheim - Arlesheim BL 9,073 521,200 Basel (CH)
Arth - Schwyz SZ 10,924 -
Ascona h Locarno TI 5,500? 55,400 Locarno (CH)
Aubonne h Aubonne VD 2,600? 402,900 Lausanne
Avenches h Avenches VD 2,500? -
Baar - - ZG 22,355 125,000 Zug
Baden h Baden AG 18,522 108,100 Baden–Brugg
Basel h - BS 165,566 521,200 Basel (CH)
Bassersdorf - Bülach ZH 11,243 1,249,800 Zurich
Bellinzona h Bellinzona TI 17,744 51,500 Bellinzona
Belp - Bern-Mittelland BE 11,108 406,900 Bern
Bern h Bern-Mittelland BE 127,525 406,900 Bern
Beromünster m Sursee LU 2,300? -
Biasca m Riviera TI 6,100? -
Biel/Bienne h Biel/Bienne BE 52,351 103,600 Biel/Bienne
Binningen - Arlesheim BL 14,817 521,200 Basel (CH)
Birsfelden - Arlesheim BL 10,277 521,200 Basel (CH)
Bischofszell h Bischofszell TG 5,500? -
Boudry h Boudry NE 5,000? 88,900 Neuchâtel
Bourg-Saint-Pierre h Entremont VS 200? -
Bremgarten (AG) h Bremgarten AG 5,700? 1,249,800 Zurich
Brig-Glis m Brig VS 12,728 46,400 Brig–Visp
Brugg h Brugg AG 10,611 108,100 Baden–Brugg
Buchs (SG) - Werdenberg SG 11,536 27,200 Buchs (SG) (CH)
Bülach h Bülach ZH 17,975 1,249,800 Zurich
Büren a.A. h Seeland BE 3,500? -
Bulle h Gruyère FR 20,177 31,100 Bulle
Burgdorf h Burgdorf BE 15,659 -
Bussigny-près-Lausanne - Ouest Lausannois VD 8,122 402,900 Lausanne
Carouge (GE) - - GE 20,375 570,200 Genève (CH)
Cham - - ZG 15,020 125,000 Zug
Châtel-Saint-Denis h Veveyse FR 4,400? 83,900 Vevey–Montreux
Chêne-Bougeries - - GE 10,530 570,200 Genève (CH)
Chiasso h - TI 7,933 51,600 Chiasso–Mendrisio (CH)
Chur h Plessur GR 34,087 57,800 Chur
Conthey h Conthey VS 6,500? 82,900 Sion
Coppet h Nyon VD 2,400? 570,200 Genève (CH)
Cossonay h Cossonay VD 2,600? 402,900 Lausanne
Croglio h Lugano TI 800? 150,500 Lugano (CH)
Crissier - Ouest Lausannois VD 7,402 402,900 Lausanne
Cudrefin h Avenches VD 800? -
Cully h Lavaux VD 1,700? 402,900 Lausanne
Davos* - Prättigau/Davos GR 11,156 -
Delémont h Delémont JU 11,809 29,300 Delémont (CH)
Diessenhofen h Diessenhofen TG 3,100? -
Dietikon - Dietikon ZH 24,843 1,249,800 Zurich
Dübendorf - Uster ZH 25,341 1,249,800 Zurich
Ebikon - Lucerne LU 12,571 224,700 Luzern
Échallens h Échallens VD 4,500? 402,900 Lausanne
Ecublens (VD) - Gros-de-Vaud VD 11,427 402,900 Lausanne
Eglisau h Bülach ZH 3,100? 1,249,800 Zurich
Einsiedeln - Einsiedeln SZ 14,632 -
Elgg h Winterthur ZH 3,600? -
Emmen - Hochdorf LU 28,721 224,700 Luzern
Erlach h Erlach BE 1,100? -
Estavayer-le-Lac h Broye FR 4,600? -
Flawil - Frauenfeld SG 10,126 164,900 St. Gallen
Frauenfeld h Frauenfeld TG 24,119 24,600 Frauenfeld
Freienbach - Höfe SZ 15,758 1,249,800 Zurich
Fribourg h Sarine FR 36,633 104,300 Fribourg
Geneva h - GE 189,033 570,200 Genève (CH)
Gland - Nyon VD 11,693 570,200 Genève (CH)
Glarus m - GL 12,312 30,000 Glarus
Glarus Nord* - - GL 17,198 30,000 Glarus
Gordola h Locarno TI 4,400? 55,400 Locarno (CH)
Gossau (SG) - St. Gallen SG 17,941 164,900 St. Gallen
Grandcour h Payerne VD 700? -
Grandson h Grandson VD 2,700? 40,700 Yverdon-les-Bains
Greifensee h Uster ZH 5,200? 1,249,800 Zurich
Grenchen - Lebern SO 16,173 26,200 Grenchen
Grüningen - Hinwil ZH 2,800? 1,249,800 Zurich
Gruyères - Gruyère FR 1,400? -
Herisau - - AR 15,222 164,900 St. Gallen
Hermance h - GE 800? 570,200 Genève (CH)
Hinwil - Hinwil ZH 10,615 1,249,800 Zurich
Horgen - Horgen ZH 19,282 1,249,800 Zurich
Horw - Lucerne LU 13,618 224,700 Luzern
Huttwil (BE) h Trachselwald BE 4,600? -
Ilanz h Surselva GR 2,300? -
Illnau-Effretikon - Pfäffikon ZH 16,117 1,249,800 Zurich
Interlaken - Interlaken-Oberhasli BE 5,504 23,300 Interlaken
Ittigen - Bern-Mittelland BE 10,997 406,900 Bern
Kaiserstuhl (AG) h Zurzach AG 400? 1,249,800 Zurich
Klingnau h Zurzach AG 2,800? -
Kloten h Bülach ZH 18,402 1,249,800 Zurich
Köniz[note 2] - Bern-Mittelland BE 39,998 406,900 Bern
Kreuzlingen - Kreuzlingen TG 20,520 23,400 Kreuzlingen (CH)
Kriens - Lucerne LU 26,751 224,700 Luzern
Küsnacht (ZH) - Meilen ZH 13,518? 1,249,800 Zurich
La Chaux-de-Fonds h La Chaux-de-Fonds NE 38,267 53,000 La Chaux-de-Fonds–Le Locle (CH)
La Neuveville h La Neuveville BE 3,400? -
La Sarraz h Cossonay VD 1,700? -
La Tour-de-Peilz h Vevey VD 10,828 83,900 Vevey–Montreux
La Tour-de-Trême h Gruyère FR 3,300? 31,100 Bulle
Lachen (SZ) m March SZ 6,600? 28,600 Lachen
Lancy - - GE 28,909 570,200 Genève (CH)
Langenthal m Oberaargau BE 15,184 -
Laufen (BL) h Laufen BL 5,000? 521,200 Basel (CH)
Laufenburg h Laufenburg AG 1,900? -
Laupen (BE) h Bern-Mittelland BE 2,700? 406,900 Bern
Lausanne h Lausanne VD 130,421 402,900 Lausanne
Le Landeron h Neuchâtel NE 4,300? -
Le Locle - Le Locle NE 10,208 53,000 La Chaux-de-Fonds–Le Locle (CH)
Lenzburg h Lenzburg AG 8,826 21,600 Lenzburg
Les Clées - Orbe VD 150 -
Leuk m Leuk VS 3,300? -
Lichtensteig h Toggenburg SG 1,800? -
Liestal h Liestal BL 13,708 521,200 Basel (CH)
Locarno h Locarno TI 15,483 55,400 Locarno (CH)
Losone h Locarno TI 6,500? 55,400 Locarno (CH)
Lugano h Lugano TI 61,837 150,500 Lugano (CH)
Lutry h Lavaux VD 8,400? 402,900 Lausanne
Lucerne h Lucerne LU 79,478 224,700 Luzern
Lyss - Seeland BE 14,080 -
Männedorf - Meilen ZH 10,470 1,249,800 Zurich
Maienfeld h Landquart GR 2,300? -
Martigny h Martigny VS 16,087 20,500 Martigny
Meilen - Meilen ZH 12,816 1,249,800 Zurich
Mellingen h Baden AG 4,300? 108,100 Baden–Brugg
Mendrisio - Mendrisio TI 14,499 51,600 Chiasso–Mendrisio (CH)
Meyrin - - GE 21,718 570,200 Genève (CH)
Möhlin - Rheinfelden AG 10,455 521,200 Basel (CH)
Monthey - Monthey VS 16,880 31,900 Monthey
Montreux - Vevey VD 25,465 83,900 Vevey–Montreux
Morcote h Lugano TI 700? 150,500 Lugano (CH)
Morges h Morges VD 14,994 402,900 Lausanne
Moudon h Moudon VD 4,200? -
Moutier m Jura bernois BE 7,700? -
Münchenstein -h Arlesheim BL 11,715 521,200 Basel (CH)
Münsingen - Bern-Mittelland BE 11,566 -
Muri bei Bern - Bern BE 12,675 406,900 Bern
Murten h See FR 5,500? -
Muttenz - Arlesheim BL 17,339 521,200 Basel (CH)
Neuchâtel h Neuchâtel NE 33,474 88,900 Neuchâtel
Neuhausen am Rheinfall - - SH 10,220 69,100 Schaffhausen (CH)
Neunkirch h - SH 1,700 -
Nidau h Biel/Bienne BE 6,700? 103,600 Biel/Bienne
Nyon h Nyon VD 19,170 570,200 Genève (CH)
Oberwil (BL) - Arlesheim BL 10,721 521,200 Basel (CH)
Oftringen - Zofingen AG 12,939 97,200 Olten–Zofingen
Olten - Olten SO 17,133 97,200 Olten–Zofingen
Onex - - GE 17,851 570,200 Genève (CH)
Opfikon - Bülach ZH 16,116 1,249,800 Zurich
Orbe h Orbe VD 5,000? -
Orsières m Entremont VS 2,700? -
Ostermundigen - Bern BE 15,871 406,900 Bern
Payerne h Payerne VD 9,146 -
Porrentruy h Porrentruy JU 6,600? -
Pratteln - Liestal BL 15,282 521,200 Basel (CH)
Prilly - Lausanne VD 11,709 402,900 Lausanne
Pully - Lausanne VD 17,368 402,900 Lausanne
Rapperswil-Jona h See-Gaster SG 26,354 46,100 Rapperswil-Jona–Rüti
Regensberg h Dielsdorf ZH 400? 1,249,800 Zurich
Regensdorf - Dielsdorf ZH 16,975 1,249,800 Zurich
Reinach (BL) - Arlesheim BL 18,661 521,200 Basel (CH)
Renens (VD) - Lausanne VD 20,232 402,900 Lausanne
Rheinau h Andelfingen ZH 1,300? -
Rheineck h Rheintal SG 3,200? 53,400 Arbon–Rorschach
Rheinfelden h Rheinfelden AG 12,174 521,200 Basel (CH)
Richterswil - Horgen ZH 12,832 1,249,800 Zurich
Riehen - - BS 20,699 521,200 Basel (CH)
Riva San Vitale h Mendrisio TI 2,300? 51,600 Chiasso–Mendrisio (CH)
Rolle h Rolle VD 4,200? -
Romainmôtier h Orbe VD 400? -
Romanshorn h Arbon TG 10,353 24,900 Amriswil–Romanshorn
Romont (FR) h Glane FR 3,800? -
Rorschach m Rorschach SG 8,918 53,400 Arbon–Rorschach
Rue h Glane FR 900? -
Rüti (ZH) - Hinwil ZH 11,968 46,100 Rapperswil-Jona–Rüti
Saillon h Martigny VS 1,500? -
Saint-Maurice - Saint-Maurice VS 3,600? -
Saint-Prex h Morges VD 4,200? 402,900 Lausanne
Saint-Ursanne h Porrentruy JU 700? -
Sala h Lugano TI 2,300? -
Sargans h Sarganserland SG 4,800? -
Sarnen m - OW 9,959 -
Schaffhausen h - SH 35,413 69,100 Schaffhausen (CH)
Schlieren - Dietikon ZH 17,199 1,249,800 Zurich
Schwyz m Schwyz SZ 14,663 -
Sembrancher - Entremont VS 700? -
Sempach h Sursee LU 3,600? -
Sierre - Sierre VS 15,945 25,900 Sierre
Sion h Sion VS 32,167 82,900 Sion
Solothurn h Solothurn SO 16,465 77,700 Solothurn
Spiez -h Niedersimmental BE 12,549 -
Spreitenbach - Baden AG 10,930 1,249,800 Zurich
Splügen m Hinterrhein GR 400? -
St. Gallen h St. Gallen SG 74,111 164,900 St. Gallen
St. Moritz - Maloja GR 5,147 -
Stäfa - Meilen ZH 13,876 1,249,800 Zurich
Stans - m NW 8,112 -
Steckborn h Steckborn TG 3,200? -
Steffisburg - Thun BE 15,515 -
Steinhausen - - ZG 9,213 125,000 Zug
Suhr - Aarau AG 9,673 75,800 Aarau
Stein am Rhein h - SH 3,000? -
Sursee h Sursee LU 9,079 -
Thalwil - Horgen ZH 17,340 1,249,800 Zurich
Thônex - - GE 13,587 570,200 Genève (CH)
Thun h Thun BE 43,303 80,000 Thun
Thusis h Hinterrhein GR 2,500? -
Unterseen h 1280[12] Interlaken BE 5,100 23,300 Interlaken
Urdorf - Dietikon ZH 9,471 1,249,800 Zurich
Uster - Uster ZH 32,748 1,249,800 Zurich
Uznach h See-Gaster SG 5,400? -
Uzwil - Wil SG 12,726 72,700 Wil (SG)
Valangin h Val-de-Ruz NE 400? -
Vernier - - GE 33,744 570,200 Genève (CH)
Versoix - - GE 12,879 570,200 Genève (CH)
Vevey h Vevey VD 18,594 83,900 Vevey–Montreux
Villeneuve h Aigle VD 4,100? 83,900 Vevey–Montreux
Villars-sur-Glâne - Sarine FR 11,975 104,300 Fribourg
Visp m Visp VS 7,281 46,400 Brig–Visp
Volketswil - Uster ZH 17,768 1,249,800 Zurich
Wädenswil - Horgen ZH 20,967 1,249,800 Zurich
Waldenburg h Waldenburg BL 1,200? -
Walenstadt h Sarganserland SG 4,600? -
Wallisellen - Bülach ZH 14,188 -
Wangen an der Aare h Wangen BE 1,900? -
Werdenberg h Werdenberg SG 90? 27,200 Buchs (SG) (CH)
Weinfelden - Weinfelden TG 10,699 -
Wettingen - Baden AG 20,135 108,100 Baden–Brugg
Wetzikon (ZH) - Hinwil ZH 23,274 1,249,800 Zurich
Wiedlisbach h Wangen BE 2,200? -
Wil (SG) h Wil SG 22,985 72,700 Wil (SG)
Willisau h Willisau LU 7,100? -
Winterthur h Winterthur ZH 104,465 136,600 Winterthur
Wohlen (AG) - Bremgarten AG 14,879 22,300 Wohlen (AG)
Yverdon-les-Bains h Yverdon VD 28,486 40,700 Yverdon-les-Bains
Zermatt - Visp VS 5,786 -
Zofingen h Zofingen AG 10,824 97,200 Olten–Zofingen
Zollikofen - Bern-Mittelland BE 9,977 406,900 Bern
Zollikon - Meilen ZH 12,163 1,249,800 Zurich
Zug h - ZG 27,537 125,000 Zug
Zürich h Zurich ZH 380,777 1,249,800 Zurich
Zurzach m Zurzach AG 3,900? -

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cities in Switzerland.

Notes and references


  1. It considers itself still as a village.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 It does not call itself a town.


  1. "Statistische Städte" (PDF) (official site) (in German and French). Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Statistical Office. 12 October 2016. Retrieved 2016-11-19.
  2. 1 2 3 "Statistik der Schweizer Städte 2016" (PDF) (Official Statistical Yearbook) (in German and French). Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Städteverband / Swiss Federal Statistical Office. 12 April 2016. Retrieved 2016-11-19.
  3. "Poster des Raums mit städtischem Charakter 2012 mit Gemeindeangaben" (PDF) (in German, French, Italian, and English). Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Statistical Office. 18 December 2014. Retrieved 2016-09-23.
  4. "Städtische Bevölkerung: Agglomerationen und isolierte Städte" (XLS) (in German and French). Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Statistical Office. 2014. Retrieved 2016-11-17.
  5. Alfred Lüthi: Aarau in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2016-09-12.
  6. Anne-Marie Dubler: Aarberg (Gemeinde) in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2013-11-28.
  7. Andreas Steigmeier: Aarburg (Gemeinde) in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2009-06-23.
  8. Bernardino Croci Maspoli: Agno in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2009-06-30.
  9. Jean-Jacques Bouquet: Aigle (Gemeinde) in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2009-06-25.
  10. Hans Stadler: Altdorf (UR) in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2011-10-05.
  11. Johannes Vogel: Altstätten (Gemeinde) in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2010-10-07.
  12. Anne-Marie Dubler: Unterseen in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, 2013-02-13.
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