Brazilian municipal elections, 2008

The Brazilian municipal elections of 2008 were held on October 5 and October 26.[1] Over 130 million voters will choose mayors and city councillors for the 5,565 municipalities of Brazil.[2]

Brazilian law allows candidates to run under ballot names different from their legal names. At least six candidates have chosen the ballot name "Barack Obama" [3] and some entrepreneurs use ballot names that make reference to their business.[4]

Mayoral elections results

Municipality Result Winner party
Aracaju (SE) Edvaldo Nogueira re-elected PC do B
Belford Roxo (RJ) Alcides Rolim elected PT
Belo Horizonte (MG) Run-off between Márcio Lacerda and Leonardo Quintão PSB and PMDB
Blumenau (SC) João Paulo Kleinübing re-elected DEM
Campina Grande (PB) Run-off between Veneziano and Rômulo Gouveia PMDB and PSDB
Campinas (SP) Hélio de Oliveira Santos re-elected PDT
Campo Grande (MS) Nelsinho Trad re-elected PMDB
Campos (RJ) Rosinha Garotinho elected PMDB
Caxias do Sul (RS) José Ivo Sartori re-elected PMDB
Cuiabá (MT) Run-off between Wilson Santos and Mauro Mendes PSDB and PR
Curitiba (PR) Beto Richa re-elected PSDB
Duque de Caxias (RJ) Zito elected PSDB
Florianópolis (SC) Run-off between Dário Berger and Esperidião Amin PMDB and PP
Franca (SP) Sidnei Rocha re-elected PSDB
Goiânia (GO) Íris Resende re-elected PMDB
Fortaleza (CE) Luizianne Lins re-elected PT
Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE) Elias Gomes elected PSDB
João Pessoa (PB) Ricardo Coutinho re-elected PSB
Joinville (SC) Run-off between Carlito Merss and Darci de Matos PT and DEM
Juiz de Fora (MG) Run-off between Margarida and Custódio Mattos PT and PSDB
Londrina (PR) Run-off between Antônio Belinati and Hauly PP and PSDB
Macapá (AM) Run-off between Camilo Capiberibe and Roberto Góes PSB and PDT
Maceió (AL) Cícero Almeida re-elected PP
Manaus (AM) Run-off between Amazonino Mendes and Serafim Correa PTB and PSB
Maringá (PR) Sílvio Barros re-elected PP
Natal (RN) Micarla de Sousa elected PV
Niterói (RJ) Jorge Roberto Silveira elected PDT
Olinda (PE) Renildo Calheiros elected PC do B
Pelotas (RS) Run-off between Fernando Marroni and Fetter Junior PT and PP
Petrópolis (RJ) Run-off between Paulo Mustrangi and Ronaldo Medeiros PT and PSB
Piracicaba (SP) Barjas Negri re-elected PSDB
Ponta Grossa (PR) Run-off between Wosgrau and Sandro Alex PSDB and PPS
Porto Alegre (RS) Run-off between José Fogaça and Maria do Rosário PMDB and PT
Porto Velho (RO) Roberto Sobrinho re-elected PT
Recife (PE) João da Costa elected PT
Ribeirão Preto (SP) Dárcy Vera elected DEM
Rio Branco (AC) Raimundo Angelim re-elected PT
Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Run-off between Eduardo Paes and Fernando Gabeira PMDB and PV
Salvador (BA) Run-off between João Henrique and Walter Pinheiro PMDB and PT
São Bernardo do Campo (SP) Run-off between Luiz Marinho and Orlando Morando PT and PSDB
São Gonçalo (RJ) Aparecida Panisset re-elected PDT
São José (SC) Djalma Berger elected PSB
São Luís (MA) Run-off between João Castelo and Flávio Dino PSDB and PC do B
São Paulo (SP) Run-off between Gilberto Kassab and Marta Suplicy DEM and PT
Teresina (PI) Sílvio Mendes re-elected PSDB
Uberaba (MG) Anderson Adauto re-elected PMDB
Uberlândia (MG) Odelmo Leão re-elected PP
Vitória (ES) João Coser re-elected PT
Volta Redonda (RJ) Antônio Francisco Neto elected PMDB
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Brazilian municipal elections, 2008.


  1. "Elections calendar" (in Portuguese). Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de São Paulo.
  2. "Elections statistics" (in Portuguese). Tribunal Superior Eleitoral.
  3. Tom Phillips (2008-09-15). "Now for Brazil's Barack Obamas - all six of them". The Guardian.
  4. Rodrigo Bertolotto (2008-09-26). ""Candidato-empresa" aproveita eleição e promove sua firma" (in Portuguese). UOL Notícias.
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