United States elections, 1999

1999 United States elections
Off-year elections
Election day November 2
Congressional special elections
Seats contested 3
Net change 0
Gubernatorial elections
Seats contested 3
Net change Democratic +1
1999 Gubernatorial election results map
1999 Gubernatorial election results map
  Republican holds
  Democratic pickups
  not contested

The 1999 United States elections, which were held on Tuesday, November 2, were off-year elections in which no members of the Congress were standing for election. However, there were three gubernatorial races, state legislative elections in four states, numerous citizen initiatives, mayoral races in several major cities, and a variety of local offices on the ballot.

Federal elections

United States Congressional elections

United States House of Representatives special elections

In 1999, three special elections to fill vacancies in the House of Representatives were held. They were for California's 42nd congressional district, Georgia's 6th congressional district, and Louisiana's 1st congressional district.

State electioins

Gubernatorial elections

Three states held elections for Governor in 1999. Kentucky and Mississippi voted on November 2. Louisiana's election dates do not coincide with that of most states: Louisiana held its open primary on October 23. A runoff election was not needed.

Other state-wide officer elections

In the three states which held regularly scheduled state general elections, elections for state executive branch offices of Lieutenant Governor (in a separate election in Louisiana and Mississippi and on the same ticket as the gubernatorial nominee in Kentucky), Secretary of state, state Treasurer, state Auditor, state Attorney General, and Commissioners of Insurance and Agriculture will be held. In addition, there will also be elections for each states' respective state Supreme Courts and state appellate courts.

State legislative elections

Four states and one territory held elections for their state legislatures.

Local elections

Mayoral elections

Many major American cities held their mayoral elections in 1999.


  1. "GOP snares Virginia General Assembly; Mississippi governorship still undecided". CNN.
  2. Caruso, Doug (December 31, 1999). "Coleman Promises Better Columbus". The Columbus Dispatch. The Dispatch Printing Company. p. 1A.
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