Meanings of minor planet names: 11001–12000

This is a partial list of meanings of minor planet names. See meanings of minor planet names for a list of all such partial lists.

As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU's naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets in the specified number-range that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names.

Besides the Minor Planet Circulars (in which the citations are published), a key source is Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names, among others.[1][2][3] Meanings that do not quote a reference (the "†" links) are tentative. Meanings marked with an asterisk (*) are guesswork, and should be checked against the mentioned sources to ensure that the identification is correct.


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11001 Andrewulff 1979 MF André Wulff, German amateur astronomer
11002 Richardlis 1979 MD1 Richard J. Lis, M.D. (b. 1951), an orthopedist and surgeon with the Orthopedic Institute of Pasadena for over 15 years. JPL
11003 Andronov 1979 TT2 Ivan Leonidovich Andronov (b. 1960), professor at Odessa National University, is a prominent Ukrainian stellar astrophysicist known for his research on double and symbiotic stars. JPL
11004 Stenmark 1980 FJ1 Lars Stenmark, Swedish nanotechnology specialist
11005 Waldtrudering 1980 PP1 Waldtrudering, a residential area in Munich, Bavaria, where the discoverer and his family have lived since 1980 JPL
11006 Gilson 1980 TZ3 Jewett Castello Gilson (1844-1926), Californian teacher, author and superintendent of schools, was determined to secure an astronomical observatory for the schools and people of Oakland. JPL
11011 KIAM 1981 UK11 KIAM is the English abbreviation for the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which played an exceptionally important part in theoretical research and computation for the astrodynamics and cosmonautics of the Soviet space program. JPL
11012 Henning 1982 JH2 John Henning (b. 1947) assisted with the control software development during the conversion of the Palomar 1.2-m Oschin telescope. JPL
11013 Kullander 1982 QP1 Sven Kullander, Swedish physicist
11014 Svätopluk 1982 QY1 Svätopluk (d. 894) was a famous king of the ancient Slavs and prince of Great Moravia from 871 to 894. JPL
11015 Romanenko 1982 SJ7 Boris Ivanovich Romanenko (b. 1912) is a veteran of the group studying jet propulsion in Moscow in the 1930s. For many years he worked at the Lavochkin scientific production association. He participated in designing and launching automatic space missions for investigations of the moon, Venus, the earth and the sun. JPL
11016 Borisov 1982 SG12 Vladimir Aleksandrovich Borisov (1809-1862), regional ethnographer in the town of Shuya and a member of Russian Geography Society. JPL
11017 Billputnam 1983 BD William L. Putnam (b. 1924) is the Trustee of the Lowell Observatory. JPL
11019 Hansrott 1984 HR Hans Rott, Austrian composer
11020 Orwell 1984 OG George Orwell, British writer
11021 Foderà 1986 AT2 Giorgia Foderà (b. 1942) teaches history of astronomy at Palermo University. Curator of the Palermo Observatory museum. JPL
11022 Serio 1986 EJ1 Salvatore Serio (b. 1941) teaches astronomy at Palermo University, specializing in x-ray observations and modeling of solar and stellar coronae. JPL
11027 Astaf'ev 1986 RX5 Victor Petrovich Astaf'ev (1924-2001), a prominent Russian writer. JPL
11037 Distler 1989 CD6 Hugo Distler (1908-1942), a composer, organist and director of renowned choirs. JPL
11039 Raynal 1989 GH2 Guillaume-Thomas Raynal (1713-1796) wrote a six-volume history of the European colonies in India and America. His condemnation of the efforts of the colonists resulted in his condemnation by the Catholic church. In the French revolution he was elected to the States general, but he refused to serve, because he opposed violence. JPL
11040 Wundt 1989 RG1 Wilhelm Wundt, German physiologist and psychologist. JPL
11041 Fechner 1989 SH2 Gustav Fechner, German experimental psychologist. JPL
11042 Ernstweber 1989 VD1 Ernst Heinrich Weber, German physician. JPL
11043 Pepping 1989 YX6 Ernst Pepping, German composer. JPL
11050 Messiaën 1990 TE7 Oliver Messiaën (1908-1992) was organist at Ste. Trinité in Paris, as well as a composer and teacher of a whole generation of young composers. In his works for organ and orchestra numerous influences are merged, such as rhythms from oriental civilizations. JPL
11051 Racine 1990 VH12 Jean-Baptiste Racine (1639-1699), a dramatic poet. JPL
11055 Honduras 1991 GT2 Honduras, in the northern part of the Central American isthmus, is a country of rugged mountains and steep river gorges and dense forest. JPL
11056 Volland 1991 LE2 Sophie Volland (1720-1784) was the primary correspondent of Dénis Diderot, who met her in 1755 near Vitry-le-François. Their friendship, based on common interests and natural sympathy, lasted for 30 years. JPL
11059 Nulliusinverba 1991 RS "Nullius in verba", variously translated as "On the words of no one", "Nothing in words" or "Respect the facts", is the motto of The Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge. This minor planet is being named on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the founding of The Royal Society in 1660.JPL
11061 Lagerlöf 1991 RS40 Selma Lagerlöf, a Swedish author. JPL
11063 Poynting 1991 VC6 John Henry Poynting (1852-1914), an English physicist. JPL
11064 Dogen 1991 WB The Japanese priest Dogen Zenji (1200-1253) built Eiheiji Temple in Fukui prefecture in 1243 in order to preach Zen Buddhism, and he fostered many disciples there. In Eiheiji Temple, over 200 monks still practise asceticism. JPL
11066 Sigurd 1992 CC1 Sigurd, the most famous of all Norse heroes and played the principal part in the Volsungasaga. JPL
11067 Greenancy 1992 DC3 Boston-born Nancy Green (b. 1952) studied violoncello at the Juilliard School, made her debut at Lincoln Center, studied in London with Jacqueline du Pré and taught 'cello at London's Guildhall School. JPL
11069 Bellqvist 1992 EV4 Sven Bellqvist (1915-2008) was for many years in charge of the workshop at the astronomical observatory in Uppsala. During this time the Schmidt telescopes at Kvistaberg and at Mount Stromlo Observatory were built.JPL
11072 Hiraoka 1992 GP Hiroyuki Hiraoka (b. 1957), an elementary-school teacher and amateur astronomer, active in the Hiroshima Astronomical Society. JPL
11073 Cavell 1992 RA4 Edith (Louisa) Cavell (1865-1915), an English nurse who in 1907 was appointed to the Berkendael Institute in Brussels, where she greatly improved the standard of nursing. In 1915 she was sentenced to death and shot by the Germans, because she had helped Allied soldiers escape from Belgium. JPL
11074 Kuniwake 1992 SC1 Ryoku Kuniwake (b. 1957), a longtime member of the Hiroshima Astronomical Society. JPL
11075 Dönhoff 1992 SP26 Countess Marion Dönhoff (Marion Hedda Ilse, Gräfin Dönhoff), German journalist and Hitler resistance participant
11079 Mitsunori 1993 AJ Mitsunori Kaneko (b. 1957) is an elementary-school teacher and was secretary of the Fukuoka Astronomical Society from 1981 to 1989. JPL
11081 Persäve 1993 FA13 Per Arvid Säve (1811-1887) was a teacher in Visby who dedicated most of his spare time to research on the dialects and folklore of Gotland. He also founded a museum in Visby, Fornsalen.JPL
11082 Spilliaert 1993 JW Léon Spilliaert, 19th/20th-century Belgian painter JPL
11083 Caracas 1993 RZ6 Caracas, Venezuela. JPL
11084 Giò 1993 SG3 Nickname of Giuseppe Schilirò, Italian student
11085 Isala 1993 SS6 Since Belgian women were not allowed to study at the Catholic University of Leuven, Isala Van Diest moved to Switzerland and studied medicine at the University of Berne. In 1890, she became the first female doctor in Belgium authorized to exercise her profession. JPL
11086 Nagatayuji 1993 TC1 Yuji Nagata (b. 1953), former director of the Fukuoka Astronomical Society. JPL
11087 Yamasakimakoto 1993 TK1 Makoto Yamasaki (b. 1953), director of the Fukuoka Astronomical Society from 1977 to 1982. JPL
11090 Popelin 1994 CT12 In 1888, Marie Popelin (1846-1913) graduated from the Free University of Brussels as a lawyer. However, since female lawyers were not permitted to practise in Belgium, in 1892 she founded "La Ligue Belge du droit des Femmes" for defending the rights and protecting the interests of women. JPL
11091 Thelonious 1994 DP Thelonious Sphere Monk, jazz pianist and composer. JPL
11092 Iwakisan 1994 ED Iwakisan, a composite volcano with a beautiful contour, dubbed the Tsugaru Fuji. JPL
11094 Cuba 1994 PG17 Cuba is an island state in the Caribbean Sea, consisting of one large island and numerous smaller islands, islets and cays. JPL
11095 Havana 1994 PJ22 Havana, Cuba. JPL
11098 Ginsberg 1995 GC2 Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997), an American lyric poet and teacher. JPL
11099 Sonodamasaki 1995 HL Masaki Sonoda (b. 1954), an associate president of the Saga Astronomical Society since 1989. JPL
11100 Lai 1995 KC Luciano Lai (b. 1948) has been an active observer and discoverer of minor planets at Madonna di Dossobuono since 1983. He is interested in the design and construction of astronomical telescopes and optics, and he designed the focal reducer used by many Italian amateur astrometrists. JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11101 Českáfilharmonie 1995 SH Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. JPL
11102 Bertorighini 1995 SZ4 Alberto Righini, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Florence and Arcetri Observatory
11103 Miekerouppe 1995 SX19 Mieke Rouppe, member of the Dutch resistance in The Hague in World War II
11104 Airion 1995 TQ Evelyn Airion Enyart (b. 1952) teaches seminars in healing techniques. She was born in Louisiana, raised in Guatemala and educated at the University of New Mexico, receiving degrees in both Communications and Sign Language. She presents workshops around the world, writes books and produces videos on healing techniques. JPL
11105 Puchnarová 1995 UR2 Dana Puchnarová, Czech painter and graphic artist
11107 Hakkoda 1995 UU4 Hakkoda is the generic name for several mountain peaks in northernmost Honshu. JPL
11108 Hachimantai 1995 UJ6 Hachimantai is a beautiful highland. Some 1600 m high, it forms a part of the Ohu-Mountains located in northern Honshu. It is named as one of the 100 most celebrated mountains of Japan. JPL
11109 Iwatesan 1995 UG8 Iwatesan is a volcano with a peak of 2041 m that erupted a few years ago. JPL
11111 Repunit 1995 WL A repunit ("repeated unity") is a number consisting solely of the digit 1. The term was coined by Albert H. Beiler in his 1964 book Recreations in the Theory of Numbers JPL
11112 Cagnoli 1995 WM2 Antonio Cagnoli, 18th-19th century Italian astronomer, who helped establish the Società Italiana ("Italian Society"), a.k.a. the Società dei XL ("Society of the Forty"), ancestor of the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL ("National Academy of Sciences known as the Forty") JPL
11115 Kariya 1995 WC7 Kariya City, where the discoverer lived for one and a half years, is located in the center of Aichi Prefecture. JPL
11118 Modra 1996 PK Astronomické observatórium Modra-Piesok (Astronomical Observatory of Modra-Piesok), near Modra, Slovakia
11119 Taro 1996 PS9 Soutaro Ito (b. 1925) has contributed much to the popularization of astronomy and established the Nanyo Astronomical Lovers Club in 1983. He was central to the establishment in 1986 of the society's observatory, the Nanyo Civil Astronomical Observatory. JPL
11120 Pancaldi 1996 QD1 Enelio Pancaldi (b. 1947), an Italian amateur astronomer. JPL
11121 Malpighi 1996 RD1 Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694) holds a prominent position in the history of medicine and biology, working in Pisa, Bologna, Messina and Rome. A pioneer in the use of the microscope in anatomy, he made fundamental studies of the lungs. He later made contributions in hematology and embryology. JPL
11122 Eliscolombini 1996 RQ2 Elis Colombini (b. 1957) is the editor of publications on the local history of his birthplace of Modena and the surrounding province. JPL
11123 Aliciaclaire 1996 RT24 Alicia Claire Contrite (b. 1966) is an extraordinarily devoted mother, wife and daughter. She is a prosecuting attorney for the city of Santa Monica, California, primarily concerned with the plight of abused women. The citation was prepared by M. Hibbs, Alicia's mother, at the request of E. Helin of the NEAT team. JPL
11124 Mikulášek 1996 TR9 Zdeněk Mikulášek, Czech astronomer
11126 Doleček 1996 TC15 Josef ("Jožka") Doleček (b. 1912) had a principal role in building the public observatory of Valašské Meziříčí and was its first director. His work gave a basis for the observatory's success in astronomy popularization in the Czech Republic. JPL
11127 Hagi 1996 UH1 The name Hagi-Lespedeza is derived from the flower in the symbol of Sendai city. JPL
11128 Ostravia 1996 VP Latin name for Ostrava, Czech Republic
11129 Hayachine 1996 VS5 The Hayachine mountain is located in the Kitakami highlands. JPL
11132 Horne 1996 WU Johnny Horne, an amateur astronomer since age 10. JPL
11133 Kumotori 1996 XY Kumotori, the highest peak in the Tokyo Metropolis. JPL
11134 České Budějovice 1996 XO2 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
11135 Ryokami 1996 XF3 Ryokami Mountain is located at the northern part of the Kanto plain. It is known for its exceptionally unique shape that looks like the blade of a saw. The stunning landscape it outlines in the Kanto mountains makes it one of the 100 most celebrated mountains of Japan. JPL
11136 Shirleymarinus 1996 XW12 Shirley Marinus (b. 1921) served during a third of a century as secretary in the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory for the Polariscope program, the Imaging Photopolarimeters on Pioneers 10 and 11, the Space Science Series textbooks, and the Spacewatch survey of comets and minor planets. JPL
11137 Yarigatake 1996 XE19 Yarigatake Mountain has a characteristic pear-shaped peak. A difficult and challenging 3180-meter climb, it is one of the 100 most celebrated mountains in Japan. JPL
11138 Hotakadake 1996 XC31 Hotakadake is the generic name of several mountain peaks, some of them more than 3000 meters high, in central Japan. JPL
11140 Yakedake 1997 AP1 Yakedake volcano, Japan JPL
11141 Jindrawalter 1997 AX14 Jindřich Walter, Czech physicist
11142 Facchini 1997 AP17 Renato Facchini (b. 1917), a well-known Italian amateur astronomern. JPL
11144 Radiocommunicata 1997 CR1 Radio communication, in honour of the Kleť broadcasting tower staff
11145 Emanuelli 1997 QH1 Pio Emanuelli, Italian astronomer
11146 Kirigamine 1997 WD3 Kirigamine, one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains"JPL
11147 Delmas 1997 XT5 Robert Delmas (b. 1955), a French aeronautical engineer. JPL
11148 Einhardress 1997 XO8 Einhard Ress (b. 1936), an engineer and scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). JPL
11149 Tateshina 1997 XZ9 Tateshina volcano, one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains"JPL
11150 Bragg 1997 YG1 Sir William Henry Bragg, English physicist. JPL
11151 Oodaigahara 1997 YZ2 Mount Ōdaigahara, one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains", in the National Park of Yoshino-Kumano and a UNESCO world heritage site JPL
11152 Oomine 1997 YH5 Mount Ōmine, in the middle of the Kii peninsula, in the National Park of Yoshino-Kumano, one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains", a UNESCO world heritage site JPL
11154 Kobushi 1997 YD10 Mount Kobushi, one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains", in the Oku-Chichibu area, stretching over the three states of Kōshū, Bushu, and Shinshu JPL
11155 Kinpu 1997 YW13 Mount Kinpu, one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains", in the Oku-Chichibu area JPL
11156 Al-Khwarismi 1997 YP14 Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarismi (fl. c. 825) was an Arab mathematician and astronomer whose books, translated into Latin, were the main source through which Indian numerals and Arabic algebra came into Western Europe. JPL
11158 Cirou 1998 AJ6 Alain Cirou (b. 1958) is editor of Ciel et Espace magazine. JPL
11159 Mizugaki 1998 BH1 Mizugaki mountain is located at the western end of the Oku-Chichibu mountain chain. JPL
11161 Daibosatsu 1998 BA8 Daibosatu mountain, which has a 2057-m peak, is located on the northern end of the Koganesawa mountain chain. JPL
11163 Milešovka 1998 CR Milešovka, the highest mountain in the Bohemian Highlands (Czech České středohoří), on the occasion of 100 years of observations from the meteorological observatory there JPL
11166 Anatolefrance 1998 DF34 Anatole France, French writer
11167 Kunžak 1998 FD3 Kunžak is a picturesque village in South Bohemia. JPL
11169 Alkon 1998 FW33 Andy L. Alkon (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. JPL
11173 Jayanderson 1998 FA59 Jay S. Anderson (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. JPL
11174 Carandrews 1998 FR67 Carolyn Marie Andrews (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her engineering project. JPL
11176 Batth 1998 FD68 Sukhjeet Singh Batth (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry project. JPL
11184 Postma 1998 HJ9 Sep Postma, member of the Dutch resistance in World War II
11187 Richoliver 1998 KO4 Richard C. Oliver (b. 1948), an electronics specialist at the Lowell Observatory. JPL
11189 Rabeaton 1998 QQ43 Rachael Lynn Beaton (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and space sciences project. JPL
11190 Jennibell 1998 RM52 Jennifer Marie Bell (b. 1984) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health projectJPL
11191 Paskvić 1998 XW16 Ivan Paskvić (Paquich Ja'nos), Croatian founder and director of the Buda Observatory on St. Gellért's Hill, built by Nagyszombat University after its move JPL
11193 Mérida 1998 XN96 Mérida, a Venezuelan city, named in 1558 by Juan Rodriguez Suarez, is also known as "the city of the gentlemen" for its hospitality; "the city of the snowing mountains" for the surrounding Andes; and "the university city" for its famous Universidad de Los Andes.
11194 Mirna 1998 YE Mirna river, Croatia JPL
11195 Woomera 1999 AY22 Woomera, Aboriginal for spear thrower, is a village in the Australian outback founded in 1947 as a rocket rangehead. JPL
11196 Michanikos 1999 BO9 Heron of Alexandria, also known as "Michanikos, the machine man" (c. 10-75), invented many automatic contrivances long before the age of the computer. JPL
11197 Beranek 1999 CY25 Benjamin Charles Beranek (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his gerontology project. JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11201 Talich 1999 EL5 Václav Talich (1883–1961), a well-known Czech conductor. JPL
11202 Teddunham 1999 FA10 Edward W. Dunham (b. 1952), an astronomer at the Lowell Observatory. JPL
11203 Danielbetten 1999 FV26 Daniel Price Betten (b. 1987), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his earth and space sciences project. JPL
11206 Bibee 1999 FR29 Kristin Page Bibee (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry project. JPL
11207 Black 1999 FQ58 Maribeth Joanne Black (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. JPL
11212 Tebbutt 1999 HS John Tebbutt, Australian astronomer. JPL
11216 Billhubbard 1999 JG1 William B. Hubbard (b. 1940) is a planetary scientist studying interiors and atmospheres at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory of the University of Arizona, where he was also director during 1977--1981. His studies include the structure and evolution of Jupiter, Saturn and extrasolar giant planets.JPL
11219 Benbohn 1999 JN20 Benjamin Josef Bohn (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his engineering project. JPL
11225 Borden 1999 JD36 Timothy Calvin Borden (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental science project. JPL
11227 Ksenborisova 1999 JR43 Ksenia V. Borisova (b. 1983), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health project. JPL
11228 Botnick 1999 JW49 Aaron Michael Botnick (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. JPL
11229 Brookebowers 1999 JX52 Brooke Nacole Bowers (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her zoology project. JPL
11238 Johanmaurits 2044 P-L Duke Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, Dutch humanist who governed Dutch Brazil in the 17th century
11239 Marcgraf 4141 P-L Georg Marcgraf, Dutch astronomer who studied the southern skies from Brazil in the 17th century
11240 Piso 4175 P-L Willem Piso, Dutch physician who studied the flora and fauna of Brazil in the 17th century
11241 Eckhout 6792 P-L Albert Eckhout, Dutch painter who took part in an expedition to Brazil in the 17th century
11242 Franspost 2144 T-1 Frans Post, Dutch painter, one of the first European artists active in the Americas in the 17th century
11243 de Graauw 2157 T-1 Matthijs W. M. de Graauw, Dutch infrared and submillimeter astronomer JPL
11244 Andrékuipers 4314 T-2 André Kuipers, Dutch physician and European Space Agency astronaut JPL
11245 Hansderijk 3100 T-3 Johannes A. F. de Rijk (a.k.a. Bruno Ernst), Dutch science writer JPL
11246 Orvillewright 4250 T-3 Orville Wright, American aviator. JPL
11247 Wilburwright 4280 T-3 Wilbur Wright, American aviator. JPL
11248 Blériot 4354 T-3 Louis Blériot, French aviator. JPL
11249 Etna 1971 FD Mount Etna, Sicily. JPL
11251 Icarion 1973 SN1 Icarion, the son of Ebalus of Sparta. By the nymph Periboea, Icarion was the father of Penelope. JPL
11252 Laërtes 1973 SA2 Laërtes, king of Ithaca, was the son of Arcisius, who in turn was a son of Zeus. Laërtes was the husband of Anticleia and father of Odysseus. JPL
11253 Mesyats 1976 UP2 Gennadij Andreevich Mesyats (b. 1936), a Russian physicist. JPL
11254 Konkohekisui 1977 DL2 Konko Hekisui (1909–1989), a Japanese poet and sometime director of the library in Konko, Okayama prefecture. JPL
11255 Fujiiekio 1977 DC4 Fujii Ekio (1910–1990), an amateur astronomer and sometime director of the Okayama Astronomy Museum. JPL
11256 Fuglesang 1978 RO8 Christer Fuglesang, the first Swedish astronaut JPL
11257 Rodionta 1978 TP2 Tatiana Vladimirovna Rodionova (b. 1964) is an engineer in Orenburg, wife of Igor' Victorovich Rodionov, building engineer, and the discoverer's friend. JPL
11258 Aoyama 1978 VP1 Aoyama Gakuin, a Christian educational institute founded in 1874, is the discoverer's Alma Mater. JPL
11261 Krisbecker 1978 XK Kris Jay Becker (b. 1959), a senior computer scientist at the United States Geological Survey Astrogeology Science Center. JPL
11263 Pesonen 1979 OA Lauri Pesonen (b. 1944), an emeritus Professor of geophysics at the University of Helsinki. JPL
11264 Claudiomaccone 1979 UC4 Claudio Maccone, Italian scientist at the Alenia Spazio in Turin, participant in the design of several scientific space missions
11268 Spassky 1985 UF5 Igor' Dmitrievich Spassky (b. 1926), a specialist on shipbuilding and a great authority on creation of ice-resistant oil-and-gas production platforms and high-speed railway transport. He is an honored citizen of Saint Petersburg. JPL
11269 Knyr 1987 QG10 Igor' Ivanovich Knyr (b. 1963), an engineer and specialist on the introduction of new techniques in industry and a friend of the discoverer's family. JPL
11277 Ballard 1988 TW2 Robert D. Ballard (b. 1942), a marine scientist. JPL
11278 Telesio 1989 SD3 Bernardino Telesio (1509–1588), an Italian philosopher and natural scientist. JPL
11280 Sakurai 1989 TY10 Yukio Sakurai (b. 1953), a local government official and an amateur astronomer in Japan. JPL
11282 Hanakusa 1989 UY2 Kiyotaka Hanakusa (b. 1956), director of the Seiwa Kogen Observatory since 1995, is an astronomy scholar and popularizer of astronomy in Kumamoto Prefecture. JPL
11284 Belenus 1990 BA Belenus, husband of Belisana, is the Gaulish god of light, with responsibilities also to sheep and cattle. JPL
11288 Okunohosomichi 1990 XU Oku no Hosomichi ("The Narrow Road to the Interior") is a Haikai travel journal written by Matsuo Basho, master Haikai poet, when he traveled the Northern Provinces of Honshu in 1689, accompanied by his apprentice Kawai Sora.JPL
11289 Frescobaldi 1991 PA2 Girolamo Frescobaldi, Italian composer. JPL
11292 Bunjisuzuki 1991 RC28 Bunji Suzuki (b. 1955), a high-school teacher and an amateur astrophysicist specializing in comets. JPL
11295 Gustaflarsson 1992 EU28 Carl Gustaf Larsson (1893-1985), born in Norrlanda, Gotland, was originally a carpenter but started to write poems in the local language spoken on Gotland. He is also well known for his photographs describing daily life on Gotland.JPL
11296 Denzen 1992 KA Aoudou Denzen, 18th-19th-century Japanese painter and copper plate engraver of the Edo period JPL
11298 Gide 1992 RE6 André Gide (1869–1951), a French writer, humanist and moralist. JPL
11299 Annafreud 1992 SA22 Anna Freud (1895–1982), the youngest daughter of Sigmund Freud, escaped with her father in 1938 Austria and settled in London. In 1936 she published Das Ich und die Abwehrmechanismen. She is considered the founder of child psychoanalysis. JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11302 Rubicon 1993 BM5 The Rubicon (Latin Rubico) was a small river that separated ancient Cisalpine Gaul from Italy. JPL
11304 Cowra 1993 DJ Cowra in New South Wales, Australia, is a tourist destination. JPL
11305 Ahlqvist 1993 FS6 David Ahlqvist (1900-1988) was an artist, author, musician and for many years a leading personality in the cultural life on Gotland.JPL
11306 Åkesson 1993 FF18 Sonja Åkesson (1926-1977), born in Buttle on Gotland, was well known for her characteristic poetic style describing the struggles of daily life. She was also a songwriter.JPL
11307 Erikolsson 1993 FA40 Erik Olsson (1919-2007) was an artist who also worked with restoration of churches. He initiated the foundation of a museum in Kovik that reflects the history of fishing on Gotland.JPL
11308 Tofta 1993 FF76 Tofta is a parish on Gotland with one of the most popular beaches on the island. It is the site of a 47-m stoneship, the longest to be found on Gotland.JPL
11309 Malus 1993 PC7 Étienne-Louis Malus (1775–1812), a French physicist. JPL
11311 Peleus 1993 XN2 Peleus, king of the Myrmidons in Thessaly, helped Heracles conquer Troy. He was married to the goddess Thetis. JPL
11313 Kügelgen 1994 GE10 Gerhard von Kügelgen (1772–1820) and his son Wilhelm von Kügelgen (1802–1867), prominent German painters. JPL
11314 Charcot 1994 NR1 Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–1893), one of France's greatest medical clinicians. JPL
11315 Salpêtrière 1994 NS1 "Salpêtrière Hospital", a famous neurological clinic. JPL
11316 Fuchitatsuo 1994 TR3 Tatsuo Fuchi (b. 1952), a computer technology specialist and amateur astronomer. JPL
11317 Hitoshi 1994 TX12 Hitoshi Hasegawa (b. 1957), a computer programmer and an amateur planetary scientist. JPL
11321 Tosimatumoto 1995 DE1 Tosikazu Matumoto (b. 1941), a comet hunter in Takefu, Fukui prefecture. JPL
11322 Aquamarine 1995 QT Aquamarine is the name of a Japanese duo group, Sachiko (b. 1975) and Mimas (b. 1971). They sing of stars and the universe. Their COSMOS is the main theme song of the "Star Week" event, produced by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. JPL
11323 Nasu 1995 QC2 Eiichi Nasu (b. 1955) was chief editor of the newsletter Astro Oita of the Astronomical Society of Oita for more than ten years, beginning in 1979. He is now the director of this society. JPL
11324 Hayamizu 1995 QQ3 Tsutomu Hayamizu (b. 1962), associate director of the Sendai Space Hall and Observatory since 1997. JPL
11325 Slavický 1995 SG Klement Slavický (1910–1999), an outstanding Czech composer. JPL
11326 Ladislavschmied 1995 SL Ladislav Schmied, Czech amateur astronomer
11328 Mariotozzi 1995 UL Mario Tozzi, Italian geologist, author, and president of the Arcipelago Toscano National Park JPL
11332 Jameswatt 1996 GO20 James Watt, Scottish mathematician and engineer. JPL
11333 Forman 1996 HU Milos Forman (b. 1932), a Czech films director. JPL
11334 Rio de Janeiro 1996 HM18 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. JPL
11335 Santiago 1996 HW23 Santiago, Chile. JPL
11336 Piranesi 1996 NS3 Giambattista Piranesi, 18th-century Venetian architect and etcher, one of the main inspirers of neoclassicism JPL
11337 Sandro 1996 PG1 Sandro Bartolini (b. 1974), the elder son of the first discoverer. JPL
11338 Schiele 1996 TL9 Egon Schiele, Austrian painter
11339 Orlík 1996 VM5 Orlík, castle in South Bohemia, Czech Republic
11341 Babbage 1996 XE2 Charles Babbage, a British mathematician. JPL
11348 Allegra 1997 BG9 Allegra Noccioli (b. 1999) is the daughter of Fabrizio Noccioli, an amateur astronomer in the Montelupo Group. JPL
11349 Witten 1997 JH16 Edward Witten (b. 1951), a physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and one of the premier theoretical physicists of our time. JPL
11350 Teresa 1997 QN4 Teresa Chercoles (b. 1951), wife of Rafael Pacheco, passes many nights at home while Pacheco and his colleagues are at the observatory enjoying the minor planets. JPL
11351 Leucus 1997 TS25 Leucus, a character in Homer's Iliad, was an Achaean warrior and companion of Odysseus. JPL
11352 Koldewey 1997 WP22 Eberhard Koldewey (b. 1937), at the DLR Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration, contributed to the upgrade of the Bochum telescope at the European Southern Observatory, where he participated in many observing campaigns on minor planets. The naming is on the occasion of his retirement. JPL
11353 Guillaume 1997 XX5 Guillaume Scholl (b. 1987) tested early versions of an automatic code for detecting minor planets developed by his father, astronomer Hans Scholl of the Observatoire de la Côte d´Azur. As a result, recent versions of the code are more user friendly. JPL
11356 Chuckjones 1997 YA Charles Martin "Chuck" Jones, American animator, artist, screenwriter, producer, and director of animated films. JPL
11359 Piteglio 1998 BP24 Piteglio, a village in Tuscany
11360 Formigine 1998 DL14 Formigine, a small Italian town located 10 km south of Modena. JPL
11361 Orbinskij 1998 DD36 Artemij Robertovitch Orbinskij (1862-1927) was a Russian astronomer on the staff of the Odessa department of the Pulkovo Observatory. He made important contributions especially in the field of positional astronomy. The name was suggested by E. Kato.JPL
11363 Vives 1998 EB12 Juan Luis Vives (1492–1540), a Spanish humanist. JPL
11364 Karlštejn 1998 FB3 The Gothic castle at Karlstejn was built in 1348 by Charles IV in the Kingdom of Bohemia, 27 km from the capital, Prague, to guard the crown jewels and state charters. The castle has survived well preserved to the present day, and it symbolizes Czech statehood within Europe. JPL
11365 NASA 1998 FK126 NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration). JPL
11369 Brazelton 1998 QE33 Mary Augusta Brazelton (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her mathematics project. JPL
11370 Nabrown 1998 QD35 Nachelle Diane Brown (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her engineering project. JPL
11371 Camley 1998 QO38 Brian Andrew Camley (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry project. JPL
11373 Carbonaro 1998 QG49 Nicole Jean Carbonaro (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her physics project. JPL
11374 Briantaylor 1998 QU60 Brian W. Taylor (b. 1964), a Lowell Observatory instrumentation software specialist, designed the controller for LONEOS and other observatory CCD cameras. JPL
11376 Taizomuta 1998 SY5 Taizo Muta (b. 1937) is a physicist. His main interest is in the application of quantum field theory to particle physics. He is a discoverer of the MS-bar scheme in quantum chromodynamics. An amateur astronomer, he is currently serving as president of Hiroshima University. JPL
11377 Nye 1998 SH59 Ralph A. Nye (b. 1945), Lowell Observatory's instrument designer. JPL
11378 Dauria 1998 SV60 Florida amateur astronomer Tippy D´Auria (b. 1935) is founder of the Winter Star Party. JPL
11379 Flaubert 1998 SY74 Gustave Flaubert, French author. JPL
11384 Sartre 1998 SW143 Jean-Paul Sartre, French writer and philosopher. JPL
11385 Beauvoir 1998 SP147 Simone de Beauvoir, French author, philosopher, and feminist. JPL
11392 Paulpeeters 1998 WC3 Paul Peeters, Belgian amateur astronomer. JPL
11400 Raša 1999 AT21 Raša river, Croatia JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11401 Pierralba 1999 AF25 Pierre Albanese (b. 1992) showed a great interest in the sky, being able to recognize the major planets while he was only four years old. He made drawings inspired by the images obtained by his father, Caussols astronomer Dominique Albanese. JPL
11404 Wittig 1999 BX4 Sigmar Wittig, German chairman of the Executive Board of the German Aerospace Center, head of the Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery at the University of Karlsruhe, vice-president of the German Research Foundation and chair of the European Space Agency Council JPL
11406 Ucciocontin 1999 CY14 Aurelio (Uccio) Contin, Croatian pharmacist, amateur scientist, diver and naturalist JPL
11408 Zahradník 1999 EG3 Rudolf Zahradník, Czech chemist, co-founder of the Czech school of quantum chemistry, founding father and first president of the Učená společnost České republiky (Learned Society of the Czech Republic), and first president of the Akademie věd České republiky (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) JPL
11409 Horkheimer 1999 FD9 Jack Horkheimer, American popularizer of astronomy
11413 Catanach 1999 JG21 Therese Anne Catanach (b. 1985) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her zoology project. JPL
11414 Allanchu 1999 JU26 Allan Chu (b. 1984) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. JPL
11417 Chughtai 1999 JW117 Asma Latif Chughtai (b. 1986) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental science project. JPL
11419 Donjohnson 1999 KS2 Donald Joe Johnson II (1959-2001) went from the field of aerospace to that of a testing engineer working towards the future. He was best known for his kindness, imagination and creativity in storytelling. In his stories he took friends and comrades to the stars in adventures with a brighter future for humanity. JPL
11421 Cardano 1999 LW2 Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576), prototypical Renaissance man, physician, mathematician, astrologer, inventor and gambler. JPL
11422 Alilienthal 1999 LD7 Alfred Lilienthal (1889-1970) studied in England and was a businessman in Berlin during the 1930s. He spent the 1940s in Shanghai. JPL
11423 Cronin 1999 LT24 Kevin Michael Cronin (b. 1984) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental science project. JPL
11425 Wearydunlop 1999 MF Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop, an Australian Army surgeon prisoner-of-war on the Burma railway. JPL
11426 Molster 2527 P-L Lucia Glen Molster, daughter of Dutch astronomers Frank and Nathalie Molster JPL
11427 Willemkolff 2611 P-L Willem Johan Kolff, Dutch-born American internist, inventor of the kidney dialysis machine JPL
11428 Alcinoös 4139 P-L Alcinoös, King of the Phaiacians, father of Nausicaa. JPL
11429 Demodokus 4655 P-L Demodokus, blind minstrel in the Odyssey. JPL
11430 Lodewijkberg 9560 P-L Lodewijk van den Berg, Dutch-born American astronaut JPL
11431 Karelbosscha 4843 T-1 Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha, Dutch tea planter, co-founder of the Lembang Observatory near Bandung in the Dutch East Indies, uncle of Rudolf Albert Kerkhoven JPL
11432 Kerkhoven 1052 T-2 Rudolf Albert Kerkhoven, Dutch tea planter, co-founder of the Lembang Observatory near Bandung in the Dutch East Indies, nephew of Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha JPL
11433 Gemmafrisius 3474 T-3 Gemma Frisius (a.k.a. Gemma Phrysius, Gemma Reyneri), 16th-century Dutch geographer, scientist, and physician, teacher of Mercator JPL
11434 Lohnert 1931 TC2 Karl Julius Lohnert (1885-1944) worked from 1905 to 1907 as an assistant of Max Wolf and discovered four now-numbered minor planets. Lohnert studied psychology in Leipzig and earned his doctorate under Wilhelm Wundt, honoring his mentor by the naming of (635) Vundtia. Name proposed by L. D. Schmadel.JPL
11437 Cardalda 1971 SB Carlos Cardalda, 19th-20th-century Argentine amateur astronomer, cofounder of the Asociación Argentina "Amigos de la Astronomía" (Argentinian Association of Amateur Astronomers) and instrumental in founding the Asociación de Aficionados a la Astronomía Uruguay JPL
11438 Zeldovich 1973 QR1 Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich, Soviet physicist. JPL
11441 Anadiego 1975 YD Ana Teresa Diego, an outstanding undergraduate student at La Plata Astronomical. JPL
11442 Seijin-Sanso 1976 UN14 Seijin-Sanso, near Kurashiki, Okayama prefecture, is the observing station where famed comet and nova hunter Minoru Honda discovered four of his 12 novae. He was observing there in 1990 on the last night of his life. JPL
11444 Peshekhonov 1978 QA2 Vladimir Grigor'evich Peshekhonov, Russian specialist in naval and space navigation, director of the Central Scientific Research Institute "Electropribor", St. Petersburg JPL]
11445 Fedotov 1978 SC7 Victor Andreevich Fedotov (1933–2001), the brilliant conductor of performances in Mariinskij Theatre for more than 35 years. JPL
11446 Betankur 1978 TO8 Avgustin Avgustinovich Betankur (1758-1824), a civil engineer who built a gun foundry in Kazan, many bridges and several remarkable buildings, in particular a riding-house in Moscow. JPL
11449 Stephwerner 1979 QP Stephanie C. Werner, German geophysicist and areologist JPL
11450 Shearer 1979 QJ1 Andrew Shearer, Irish astrophysicist
11451 Aarongolden 1979 QR1 Aaron Golden, Irish astrophysicist
11473 Barbaresco 1982 SC Barbaresco is a beautiful little town in the Langhe region of Piedmont. JPL
11475 Velinský 1982 VL Jaroslav Velinský (1932-2012), nickname Kapitán Kid, was a Czech science fiction and detective novel writer, publisher, songwriter and musician. He was one of the founders of the Czech folk festival, Porta. JPL
11476 Stefanosimoni 1984 HH1 Stefano Simoni, Italian amateur astronomer. JPL
11480 Velikij Ustyug 1986 RW5 Veliky Ustyug, Russia. JPL
11481 Znannya 1987 WO1 The scientific society Znannya was founded in Kiev in 1948 by Ukrainian astronomer Sergej Konstantinovich Vsekhsvyatskij and other scientists. Znannya propagates knowledge in astronomy, physics, history and other sciences in Ukraine and elsewhere. JPL
11484 Daudet 1988 DF2 Alphonse Daudet, French novelist. JPL
11485 Zinzendorf 1988 RW3 Nikolaus Ludwig, Graf von Zinzendorf (1700-1760), a counsellor at the court of his native town of Dresden (1721-1727). JPL
11492 Shimose 1988 VR3 Nobuo Shimose (born 1944) is well known in Yamaguchi prefecture as a professional cameraman of the first order, as well as an amateur astronomer. He is also the leader of the Yamaguchi Astronomical Society and the Hagi Astronomical Club. JPL
11494 Hibiki 1988 VM9 Sea of Hibiki, between the Fukuoka and Yamaguchi prefecture JPL
11495 Fukunaga 1988 XR Yasutoshi Fukunaga (born 1951) is a well-known amateur astronomer in Yamaguchi prefecture, the site of frequent star parties. He is the head of the astronomy club in his home in the Syunan area. JPL
11496 Grass 1989 AG7 Günter Grass, German writer, sculptor and graphic artist. JPL
11498 Julgeerts 1989 GS4 Julien Armand Geerts (born 1909) is a well-known commercial artist in Belgium. He was for many years a good friend of the discoverer's parents. JPL
11499 Duras 1989 RL Marguerite Duras (Marguerite Donnadieu), French writer and film director. JPL
11500 Tomaiyowit 1989 UR Tomaiyowit, Earth Mother in the Luiseno creation story; together with Tukmit, she gave birth to the First People JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11504 Kazo 1990 BT Kazo, a city in Saitama prefecture, 50 km north of Tokyo. JPL
11506 Toulouse-Lautrec 1990 ES1 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter. JPL
11507 Danpascu 1990 OF Dan Pascu (b. 1938), at the U.S. Naval Observatory since 1963, developed techniques for astrometric observations of the planetary satellites and produced the largest astrometric archive and observational database for these objects. In 1980 he rediscovered Saturn X (Janus) and codiscovered Saturn XIV (Calypso).JPL
11508 Stolte 1990 TF13 Dieter Stolte (born 1934) served for 20 years as director general of ZDF, the public German TV net and one of the largest European TV stations. A professor of media research, Stolte initiated international TV channels (ARTE, 3SAT) in a European cooperation. JPL
11509 Thersilochos 1990 VL6 Thersilochos, a Trojan warrior from the rich valleys of Paeonia. He showed up, together with Hector, at the battle for the dead body of Patrocles. He was later killed by Achilles. JPL
11510 Borges 1990 VV8 Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986), an Argentine poet and short-story writer. JPL
11514 Tsunenaga 1991 CO1 In 1613, Hasekura Tsunenaga (1571–1622) led the first Japanese mission across the Pacific to the Americas (in Mexico), and he continued across the Atlantic to Europe, where he met with king Philip III of Spain and pope Paul V. His portrait was designated a national treasure for the first time in Sendai in June 2001. JPL
11515 Oshijyo 1991 CR1 Oshijyo, the symbol of Gyoda Ichi, is located in the central part of that city and dates from the Muromachi period.JPL
11516 Arthurpage 1991 ED Arthur Page, Australian astronomer, founder of the Astronomical Association of Queensland JPL
11517 Esteracuna 1991 EA4 Maria Ester Acuna Castillo (born 1951), a caretaker at the Manuel Foster Observatory for several decades. JPL
11518 Jung 1991 GB3 Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. JPL
11519 Adler 1991 GZ4 Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist. JPL
11520 Fromm 1991 GE8 Erich Fromm (1900–1980), a German psychoanalyst. JPL
11521 Erikson 1991 GE9 Erik H. Erikson (1902–1994), a German-American psychoanalyst. JPL
11524 Pleyel 1991 PY2 Ignaz Jozef Pleyel (1757–1831), an Austro-French composer. JPL
11528 Mie 1991 XH Mie Nagata (b. 1963), a lecturer at the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo from 1988 to 1994. JPL
11530 d'Indy 1992 CP2 Vincent d'Indy, a French composer. JPL
11532 Gullin 1992 ER4 Lars Gullin (1928-1976) was a Swedish jazz musician, born in Sanda on Gotland. He was famous as a composer and for his style of playing the baritone saxophone.JPL
11533 Akebäck 1992 EG6 Akebäck, small socken centrally situated on Gotland. JPL
11537 Guericke 1992 HY6 Otto von Guericke, a German physicist. JPL
11538 Brunico 1992 OJ8 Bruneck (Brunico) is a city in South Tirol, Italy, where gymnasium pupils are inspired to participate in telescopic observations in a unique collaborative effort with professional astronomers.JPL
11542 Solikamsk 1992 SU21 Solikamsk, a city in the Perm region of Russia on the Kama river, well known for its saltmines. JPL
11545 Hashimoto 1992 UE4 Kunihiko Hashimoto (born 1951), a Japanese amateur astronomer and a long-time member of the Fukuoka Astronomical Society. JPL
11546 Miyoshimachi 1992 UM6 Miyoshi Town, located in Saitama, was founded by the Kawagoe feudal lord, Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu, in 1694. JPL
11547 Griesser 1992 UP8 Markus Griesser, Swiss amateur astronomer
11548 Jerrylewis 1992 WD8 Jerry Lewis, American comedian. JPL
11552 Boucolion 1993 BD4 Boucolion, father of Pedasos and Aesopos. JPL
11553 Scheria 1993 BD6 The island of Scheria (Corfu), one of the Greek Ionian islands, was first mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. JPL
11554 Asios 1993 BZ12 Asios, a Trojan warrior and one of the leaders in the assault on the Greek wall. He challenged Idomeneos and was killed by him. JPL
11569 Virgilsmith 1993 KB2 The design and construction abilities of Virgil Smith (born 1941), of Corona, Arizona, have resulted in the successful completion of the Jarnac Observatory, located at the home of the second discoverer. JPL
11571 Daens 1993 OR8 Adolf Daens, a Flemish priest at Aalst. JPL
11572 Schindler 1993 RM7 Oskar Schindler (1905–1974), a German industrialist. JPL
11573 Helmholtz 1993 SK3 Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821–1894), a German doctor, physiologist and physicist. JPL
11574 d'Alviella 1994 BP3 Count Goblet d´Aviella, a Belgian historian. JPL
11577 Einasto 1994 CO17 Jaan Einasto, Estonian astronomer, one of the discoverers of dark matter JPL
11578 Cimabue 1994 EB Cimabue, a great Italian painter. JPL
11579 Tsujitsuka 1994 JN Takashi Tsujitsuka (born 1961) is an elementary school teacher and a well-known amateur astronomer in Fukuoka prefecture. His main interests lie in observing stellar occultations at his private observatory, where he also indulges in his favorite pastime of polishing mirrors for reflecting telescopes. JPL
11580 Bautzen 1994 JG4 Bautzen, Germany. JPL
11581 Philipdejager 1994 PK9 Philip de Jager, a Belgian percussionist. JPL
11582 Bleuler 1994 PC14 Eugen Bleuler, Swiss psychiatrist. JPL
11583 Breuer 1994 PZ28 Jozef Breuer, an Austrian physician. JPL
11584 Ferenczi 1994 PP39 Sándor Ferenczi, Hungarian psychoanalyst
11585 Orlandelassus 1994 RB17 Orlande de Lassus a.k.a. Roland Delattre, 16th-century Franco-Flemish composer. JPL
11588 Gottfriedkeller 1994 UZ12 Gottfried Keller (1819–1890), a Swiss author. JPL
11592 Clintkelly 1995 FA7 Clint Kelly, senior vice president for Advanced Technology Development at Science Applications International Corporation since 1988. JPL
11593 Uchikawa 1995 HK Yoshihisa Uchikawa (born 1947) is one of the leading amateur astronomers from Saga prefecture and the Kyushu district. JPL
11595 Monsummano 1995 KN Monsummano Terme, a village in Northern Tuscany
11596 Francetic 1995 KA1 Daniel Francetic (1933-2014) was director and space science educator of the Euclid High School Planetarium in Euclid, Ohio. Past president of the Great Lakes Planetarium Association and founding member of the Cleveland Regional Association of Planetariums, his passion for teaching astronomy touched innumerable students.JPL
11598 Kubík 1995 OJ The discoverer's brother, Jakub Saroun, is a talented amateur musician and photographer. JPL
11600 Cipolla 1995 SQ2 Carlo Cipolla, a skillful chemist and amateur astronomer. JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11602 Miryang 1995 ST54 Miryang, South Korea, birthplace of the discovery team leader's wife, Chung-hi Koh (Helen) Weber JPL
11604 Novigrad 1995 UB1 Novigrad, also known as Novigrad Istarski and Cittanova d´Istria, a town and a municipality in Istria, Croatia.
11605 Ranfagni 1995 UP6 Piero Ranfagni, technician at Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory; on the staff of the TIRGO Telescope and in the project office of the Large Binocular Telescope
11606 Almary 1995 UU6 This minor planet is named for the parents of the discoverer, Alfred and Mary, on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. JPL
11612 Obu 1995 YZ1 Obu City, where the discoverer lived for six and a half years, is located in the center of Aichi Prefecture. JPL
11614 Istropolitana 1996 AD2 Academia Istropolitana ("city on the Danube") was the first university in today's Slovak territory and an ancient predecessor of Comenius University. JPL
11615 Naoya 1996 AE4 Naoya Matsumoto (b. 1952) is a Japanese amateur astronomer and president of the Nagasaki Astronomical Society. JPL
11620 Susanagordon 1996 OE2 Susana Gordon (b. 1958) has dedicated most of her adult life as a dialysis caregiver at the Good Samaritan Hospital in New York. She moved to Tucson, Arizona, in the late 1990s, where she is a massage therapist. Her interests include gems and minerals, photography and dancing.JPL
11621 Duccio 1996 PJ5 Duccio Bartolini (b. 1976) is the younger son of the first discoverer. JPL
11622 Samuele 1996 RD4 Samuele Marconi, amateur astronomer at the Pian dei Termini Observatory in San Marcello Pistoiese. JPL
11623 Kagekatu 1996 TC10 Kagekatu Uesugi (1555-1623) was a military commander during the Japanese feudal period. JPL
11625 Francelinda 1996 UL1 Francesca and Linda Tesi, granddaughters of the co-discoverer Luciano Tesi
11626 Church Stretton 1996 VW2 Church Stretton, South Shropshire, England, the discovery site JPL
11628 Katuhikoikeda 1996 VB5 Katuhiko Ikeda, Japanese professional engineer and amateur astronomer, who helps maintain the Moriyama Observatory JPL
11636 Pezinok 1996 YH1 Pezinok, a small town near Bratislava. JPL
11637 Yangjiachi 1996 YJ2 Jiachi Yang (b. 1919), an expert in automatic control and space technology, devoted himself to the development of artificial earth satellites in China. JPL
11652 Johnbrownlee 1997 CK13 John W. Brownlee, planetary geologist, who worked on Mars Pathfinder and the Catalina Sky Survey
11656 Lipno 1997 EL6 Lipno dam, South Bohemia, Czech Republic
11657 Antonhajduk 1997 EN7 Anton Hajduk (b. 1933) is a professor of astronomy at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. JPL
11664 Kashiwagi 1997 GX24 Shuji Kashiwagi (b. 1952) is a junior high school teacher and associate president of the Astronomical Society of Oita. JPL
11665 Dirichlet 1997 GL28 Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, German mathematician. JPL
11666 Bracker 1997 MD8 Steve Bracker (b. 1942) is a renaissance man---particle physicist, harpsichordist, astronomer, naturalist and software guru. The very first programmer with the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, he continued his involvement in astronomy with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. JPL
11667 Testa 1997 UB1 Augusto Testa, Italian amateur astronomer
11668 Balios 1997 VV1 Balios was one of the fast, immortal horses of Achilles, born to the gale or harpy named Podarge and the stormy wind Zephyros. JPL
11669 Pascalscholl 1997 XY8 Pascal Scholl (b. 1994) is the younger son of astronomer Hans Scholl. JPL
11670 Fountain 1998 AU9 Glen Harold Fountain (b. 1942) is the project manager of the New Horizons Pluto Kuiper Belt mission. JPL
11672 Cuney 1998 BC15 Husband and wife team Bruce (b. 1947) and Dana (b. 1950) Cuney work at Palomar and were responsible for the remodeling of the old 1.2-m Schmidt dome interior. JPL
11673 Baur 1998 BJ19 Johann M. Baur, German amateur astronomer, founder of the Chaonis Observatory in northern Italy
11675 Billboyle 1998 CP2 William Boyle (b. 1924), co-invented the CCD while at Bell Laboratories in 1969. JPL
11678 Brevard 1998 DT10 Brevard County, Florida. JPL
11679 Brucebaker 1998 DE11 Bruce Baker (b. 1949) fabricated and installed the mechanical portions of the slip rings and assisted in the fabrication of many small mechanical assemblies needed throughout the upgrade of the 1.2-m Schmidt at Palomar. JPL
11681 Ortner 1998 EP6 Johannes Ortner, Austrian space scientist, founder and director of the Summer School Alpbach JPL
11682 Shiwaku 1998 EX6 Hideaki Shiwaku (b. 1963) is one of promoters of the Matsue Astronomical Club, an amateur astronomers group in the Matsue area of Japan, and a good friend of the discoverer. JPL
11685 Adamcurry 1998 FW19 Adam Michael Curry (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his earth and space sciences project. JPL
11688 Amandugan 1998 FG53 Amanda Dyann Dugan (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health project. JPL
11690 Carodulaney 1998 FV60 Caroline Ann DuLaney (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health project. JPL
11691 Easterwood 1998 FO66 Jeffrey Michael Easterwood (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his chemistry project. JPL
11693 Grantelliott 1998 FE69 Grant A. Elliott (b. 1984) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. JPL
11694 Esterhuysen 1998 FO70 Stephanus Albertus Esterhuysen (b. 1983), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his engineering project. JPL
11695 Mattei 1998 FA74 Janet Akyüz Mattei, American astronomer, for her leadership of the AAVSO
11696 Capen 1998 FD74 Charles ("Chick") Franklin Capen (1926-1986) was best known for his observations of the planets, particularly Mars. JPL
11697 Estrella 1998 FX98 Allan Noriel Estrella (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. JPL
11698 Fichtelman 1998 FZ102 Jon Roger Fichtelman (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11702 Mifischer 1998 FE117 Michael Henry Fischer (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. JPL
11703 Glassman 1998 FL121 Elena Leah Glassman (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her engineering project. JPL
11704 Gorin 1998 FZ130 Michael Adam Gorin (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry project. JPL
11706 Rijeka 1998 HV4 Rijeka, the principal seaport of Croatia, located on Kvarner Bay, an inlet of the Adriatic Sea. JPL
11707 Grigery 1998 HW17 Chelsea Nicole Grigery (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry project. JPL
11709 Eudoxos 1998 HF20 Eudoxos of Knidos (c. 408-355 B.C.) was the prime mover behind two major developments in Greek mathematical thought: the theory of proportions that overcame the crisis caused by the discovery of irrational numbers, and the method of exhaustion for the calculation of areas and volumest. JPL
11710 Nataliehale 1998 HS34 Natalie Adele Hale (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental science project. JPL
11711 Urquiza 1998 HV50 Luis Urquiza del Valle (1906-2000) was the much-loved grandfather of LONEOS observer L. Levy. JPL
11712 Kemcook 1998 HB51 Kem H. Cook (b. 1949), of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is a founding member of the Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHO) Project, which used a refurbished, 120-year-old telescope (The Great Melbourne Telescope) to survey the Magellanic Clouds for gravitational microlensing by baryonic, halo dark matter. JPL
11713 Stubbs 1998 HG51 Christopher Stubbs (b. 1958), of the University of Washington, has pursued a variety of projects in experimental physics and observational astrophysics, including searching for dark matter, measuring the rate of expansion of the universe with supernovae and testing the equivalence principle. JPL
11714 Mikebrown 1998 HQ51 Michael E. Brown (b. 1965), assistant professor of astronomy at the California Institute of Technology. JPL
11715 Harperclark 1998 HA75 Elizabeth Dee Pauline Harper-Clark (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and space sciences project. JPL
11716 Amahartman 1998 HY79 Amanda Nicole Hartman (b. 1987), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. JPL
11718 Hayward 1998 HD95 Nicholas Mark Edward Alexander Hayward (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his chemistry project. JPL
11719 Hicklen 1998 HT98 Rachel Scarlett Hicklen (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental science project. JPL
11720 Horodyskyj 1998 HZ99 Ulyana N. Horodyskyj (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and space sciences project. JPL
11724 Ronaldhsu 1998 HH146 Ronald Hsu (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his mathematics project. JPL
11725 Victoriahsu 1998 HM146 Victoria Hsu (b. 1987), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her mathematics project. JPL
11726 Edgerton 1998 JA Harold "Doc" Eugene Edgerton (1903-1990), born in Fremont, Nebraska, was professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during 1928-1966. JPL
11727 Sweet 1998 JM1 During the 1.2-m Schmidt conversion Merle Sweet (b. 1942), assistant superintendent at the Palomar Observatory, assisted in overseeing the details in the layout and construction of the slip-ring trolleys. He also worked in the rewiring of the dome. JPL
11728 Einer 1998 JC2 Steve Einer (b. 1955), a Palomar Observatory technician. JPL
11730 Yanhua 1998 KO31 Yan Hua (b. 1984), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his engineering project. JPL
11736 Viktorfischl 1998 QS1 Viktor Fischl Avigdor Dagan, Czech-Israeli writer JPL
11739 Baton Rouge 1998 SG27 Baton Rouge, Louisiana. JPL
11740 Georgesmith 1998 UK6 George Smith (b. 1930) co-invented the CCD while at Bell Laboratories in 1969. JPL
11743 Jachowski 1999 JP130 Matthew Douglas Apau Jachowski (b. 1985), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his earth and space sciences project. JPL
11746 Thomjansen 1999 NG4 Thomas Scott Jansen (b. 1986), a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his microbiology project. JPL
11753 Geoffburbidge 2064 P-L Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge, British-American physicist. JPL
11754 Herbig 2560 P-L George H. Herbig, American astronomer. JPL
11755 Paczynski 2691 P-L Bohdan Paczyński, Polish astronomer. JPL
11756 Geneparker 2779 P-L Eugene Parker, American astronomer. JPL
11757 Salpeter 2799 P-L Edwin Ernest Salpeter, Austrian astronomer. JPL
11758 Sargent 4035 P-L Wallace Sargent, a British astrophysicist. JPL
11759 Sunyaev 4075 P-L Rashid Sunyaev, Uzbek astrophysicist. JPL
11760 Auwers 4090 P-L Arthur Auwers (Georg Friedrich Julius Arthur von Auwers), 19th-20th-century German astronomer, director of the Potsdam Observatory from 1881, author of the first reference catalogue of fundamental star positions JPL
11761 Davidgill 4868 P-L David Gill, 19th-20th-century British astronomer and instrument designer, director of the Cape Observatory JPL
11762 Vogel 6044 P-L Hermann Carl Vogel, 19th-20th-century German astronomer and spectroscopist, director of the Potsdam Astrophysical Observatory (1882–1907) JPL
11763 Deslandres 6303 P-L Henri-Alexandre Deslandres, 19th-20th-century French astrophysicist and director of the Paris and Meudon observatories, independent inventor of the spectroheliograph JPL
11764 Benbaillaud 6531 P-L Édouard Benjamin Baillaud19th-20th-century French director of the Toulouse (1878–1907) and Paris (1907–1926) observatories, founder of the Observatoire du Pic du Midi, first president of the International Astronomical Union JPL
11765 Alfredfowler 9057 P-L Alfred Fowler, 19th-20th-century British astrophysicist, first general secretary of the International Astronomical Union JPL
11766 Fredseares 9073 P-L Frederick H. Seares, 19th-20th-century American astronomer, standardizer of the stellar magnitude system JPL
11767 Milne 3224 T-1 E. Arthur Milne, 20th-century British mathematician and astrophysicist JPL
11768 Merrill 4107 T-1 Paul W. Merrill, 20th-century American spectroscopist, first to detect a short-lived isotope of technetium in the atmospheres of stars, thus confirming stellar nucleosynthesis JPL
11769 Alfredjoy 2199 T-2 Alfred H. Joy, 20th-century American astronomer, inventor of the T Tauri classification JPL
11770 Rudominkowski 3163 T-2 Rudolph Minkowski, 20th-century German-American astronomer JPL
11771 Maestlin 4136 T-2 Michael Maestlin (1550-1631), professor of astronomy at Tübingen. JPL
11772 Jacoblemaire 4210 T-2 Jacob Le Maire, Dutch explorer, after whom the Straits of Lemaire are named; he was, along with Schouten, one of the first westerners to visit Tonga
11773 Schouten 1021 T-3 Willem Schouten, Dutch explorer who discovered Cape Horn
11774 Jerne 1128 T-3 Niels Kaj Jerne, British-born (of Danish parentage) immunologist, joint winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology. JPL
11775 Köhler 3224 T-3 Georges J. F. Köhler, German biologist, joint winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology. JPL
11776 Milstein 3460 T-3 César Milstein, Argentinian biochemist, joint winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology. JPL
11777 Hargrave 3526 T-3 Lawrence Hargrave (1850-1915), Australian astronomer and aviation pioneer. JPL
11778 Kingsford Smith 4102 T-3 Sir Charles Edward Kingsford Smith, Australian aviator. JPL
11779 Zernike 4197 T-3 Frits Zernike, Dutch physicist, winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize for Physics
11781 Alexroberts 1966 PL Alexander William Roberts, Scottish-South African astronomer JPL
11782 Nikolajivanov 1969 TT1 Nikolaj Mikhajlovich Ivanov, Russian specialist in ballistics, head of the Russian Ballistic Center JPL
11785 Migaic 1973 AW3 Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (formerly Moscow Institute of Geodesy, Air-Photography and Cartography) is the only educational institution in Russia that trains specialists in geodesy, geodynamics, astronomy, cosmic geodesy and the making of optical and electronic devices. JPL
11786 Bakhchivandji 1977 QW Grigorij Yakovlevich Bakhchivandji (1909-1943) was a Soviet test pilot and pioneer in rocket flights who in 1942 piloted the first flight on the rocket-propelled experimental aircraft BI-1 of Bolkhovitinov and Isaev. JPL
11787 Baumanka 1977 QF1 Bauman Moscow Technical University, founded in 1830, is a well-known higher education and research institution in Russia that trains specialists in many branches of technology and science. JPL
11788 Nauchnyj 1977 QN2 Nauchnyj, Crimea, Ukraine, created at the same time as the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1945 JPL
11789 Kempowski 1977 RK Walter Kempowski (b. 1929), one of the most important contemporary German writers. JPL
11790 Goode 1978 RU Philip R. Goode (b. 1943), a professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and director of Big Bear Solar Observatory. JPL
11791 Sofiyavarzar 1978 SH7 Sofiya Mikhajlovna Varzar (1878-1957), an expert on the dynamics of minor planets. JPL
11792 Sidorovsky 1978 SX7 Lev Isaevich Sidorovsky (b. 1934) is a well-known St. Petersburg journalist whose initiatives on rehabilitation of historical truth and creation of new cultural traditions, in particular the annual celebration of Pushkin's Lyceum Day, have received public recognition. JPL
11793 Chujkovia 1978 TH7 Elizaveta Fedorovna Chujkova (1865-1958), mother of twelve children, showed courage in preventing the demolition of a church in her home village of Serebryanye Prudy, not far from Moscow, in the 1930s. Among her descendants are writers and cultural workers. JPL
11795 Fredrikbruhn 1979 QM1 Fredrik Bruhn, Swedish systems engineer specialised in miniaturisation and robotics, co-founder of Rotundus AB JPL
11796 Nirenberg 1980 DS4 Louis Merses Nirenberg, American mathematician. JPL
11797 Warell 1980 FV2 Johan Warell, Swedish astronomer
11798 Davidsson 1980 FH5 Björn Davidsson, Swedish astronomer


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11823 Christen 1981 VF Roland W. Christen, an optician and maker of affordable apochromatic refractors at the forefront of mechanical and optical design. JPL
11824 Alpaidze 1982 SO5 Galaktion Yeliseyevich Alpaidze, Russian chief of the Plesetsk Cosmodrome (1963–1975) JPL
11826 Yurijgromov 1982 UR10 Yurij Iosifovich Gromov, professor of humanities and social sciences at St. Petersburg University. JPL
11827 Wasyuzan 1982 VD5 Wasyuzan, a hill commanding a fine view of the Inland Sea, in Kurashiki, Okayama prefecture. JPL
11828 Vargha 1984 DZ Magda Vargha (1931-2010), librarian of Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, was the author of several books on the history of astronomy.JPL
11829 Tuvikene 1984 EU1 Tynu Tuvikene (1952-2010) was an Estonian astronomer and staff member of Tartu Observatory who studied variable stars.JPL
11830 Jessenius 1984 JE Jan Jesenius, Czech physician
11832 Pustylnik 1984 SC6 Izold Pustylnik (1938-2008), native of the Ukrainian city of Odessa, was a staff member of Tartu Observatory who authored numerous scientific publications and served as editor of the Central European Journal of Physics.JPL
11833 Dixon 1985 RW Roger Dixon, staff physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory*
11836 Eileen 1986 CB Eileen Collins, astronaut, became in Feb. 1995 the first woman to pilot a shuttle mission. JPL
11842 Kap'bos 1987 BR1 Kap'bos is a small village, about 20 km east of the city of Antwerp. JPL
11844 Ostwald 1987 QW2 Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald, 19th-20th-century Latvian-German chemist, founder of the Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Nobelist JPL
11846 Verminnen 1987 SE3 Johan Verminnen, Flemish artist and songwriter. JPL
11847 Winckelmann 1988 BY2 Johann Joachim Winckelmann, the German art historian. JPL
11848 Paullouka 1988 CW2 Vital-Paul Delporte, alias Paul Louka, Wallonian artist. JPL
11849 Fauvel 1988 CF7 Charles Fauvel, a French aviator. JPL
11852 Shoumen 1988 RD Shoumen University, successfully to develop education in astronomy, largely as a result of contributions by the first discoverer. JPL
11853 Runge 1988 RV1 Philipp Otto Runge, German painter and graphic artist. JPL
11854 Ludwigrichter 1988 RM3 Adrian Ludwig Richter, German artist. JPL
11855 Preller 1988 RS3 Friedrich Preller the Elder, German painter and etcher. JPL
11856 Nicolabonev 1988 RM8 Nicola Bonev (1898-1979) was for 40 years the head of the astronomy department at Sofia University and founder and director of the Institute of Astronomy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He was known for his research in celestial mechanics, theoretical astronomy, solar activity, lunar studies and cosmology.JPL
11860 Uedasatoshi 1988 UP Satoshi Ueda, Japanese amateur astronomer
11861 Teruhime 1988 VY2 Teruhime (1552–1627), wife and supporter of Kuroda Kanbe, who was instrumental in helping Japan end the Age of Civil Wars. JPL
11868 Kleinrichert 1989 TY Michelle Kleinrichert Binzel, American adjunct professor of business management at Bentley College, wife of the discoverer JPL
11870 Sverige 1989 TC3 Sverige (Sweden) is a nation in northern Europe, located on the Scandinavian peninsula together with Norway. JPL
11871 Norge 1989 TP7 Norge (Norway) is a nation in northern Europe, well known for its beautiful coast. JPL
11873 Kokuseibi 1989 WS2 "Kokuseibi" is another name for The National Museum of Western Art. It opened in 1959 to introduce Western arts to the Japanese public. The core of the collection was the Matsukata Collection of Impressionist-school paintings and Rodin sculptures. JPL
11874 Gringauz 1989 XD1 Konstantin Gringauz (1918–1993) became involved in ionospheric studies early in his career. He participated in the launching of Sputnik 1 by constructing the beep-beep transmitter. During 1982-1986 he was responsible for designing and implementing plasma experiments aboard VEGA 1 and 2. JPL
11875 Rhône 1989 YG5 Rhône river. JPL
11876 Doncarpenter 1990 EM1 For the past 42 years, Don Carpenter (born 1938) has been associated with the Stanford research group devoted to passive and active whistler-mode probing of the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. In 1966 he discovered the plasmapause in the electron-density distribution of the magnetosphere. JPL
11878 Hanamiyama 1990 HJ Hanamiyama, Japanese mountain. JPL
11881 Mirstation 1990 QO6 The Russian space station Mir, launched in 1986, remained in service for more than 15 years as a laboratory for a wealth of scientific experiments performed on board by international crews. JPL
11885 Summanus 1990 SS Summanus was the Etruscan or Roman deity responsible for nocturnal lightning and thunder, as Jupiter was in daytime. This was the first earth-approacher discovered automatically by software and (lightning-fast) electronic computer; J. V. Scotti used D. L. Rabinowitz's Moving Object Detection Program at the telescope.JPL
11886 Kraske 1990 TT10 Konrad Kraske, a member of the supervisory board of the public German TV net ZDF since its foundation in 1962. JPL
11887 Echemmon 1990 TV12 The hero Echemmon, son of the king of Troy Priamos, was killed together with his brother Chromios by Diomedes, king of Argos. JPL
11895 Dehant 1991 GU3 Véronique Dehant, head of the section for time, earth rotation and space geodesy at the Royal Observatory, Uccle. She is currently involved with the NEIGE project, which plans a soft landing of a geodetic instrument on Mars. In 1999 she was awarded the Bomford prize for her work on the earth's nutation. JPL
11896 Camelbeeck 1991 GP6 Thierry Camelbeeck (b. 1956), a seismologist at the Royal Observatory, Uccle. JPL
11897 Lemaire 1991 GC7 Joseph F. Lemaire (born 1939), head of the Fundamental Dynamics section at the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Uccle. JPL
11898 Dedeyn 1991 GM9 Peter Paul De Deyn (born 1957), head of the Laboratory of Neurochemistry and Behavior at the Born-Bunge Foundation of the University of Antwerp. JPL
11899 Weill 1991 GJ10 Kurt Weill, German-American composer. JPL
11900 Spinoy 1991 LV2 Constant Spinoy, a famous Belgian artist and engraver. JPL


Number–Name Prov. Designation Source of Name
11905 Giacometti 1991 VL6 Alberto Giacometti, Italian surrealist sculptor and painter*
11907 Näränen 1992 ER8 Jyri Näränen (b. 1979) is a Finnish astronomer who works on the surface composition and structure of Mercury and the moon.JPL
11908 Nicaragua 1992 GC5 Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus. JPL
11911 Angel 1992 LF Founder and director of Steward Observatory's mirror lab at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Roger Angel (b. 1941) has spearheaded the development of telescope mirrors as large as eight meters in diameter by a process called spin-casting. His work and ideas have resulted in an enormous increase in telescope light-gathering power.JPL
11912 Piedade 1992 OP5 Serra de Piedade in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, east of the capital of Belo Horizonte, is the location of the Piedade Observatory. During the 1970s the discoverer spent many hours there observing variable stars.JPL
11913 Svarna 1992 RD3 Anneta Svarna (b. 1951) is a mathematical logician who works on information theory for the European Union. The author of many publications on mathematical logic, in 1998 she published (with D. Sinachopoulos) an important paper on Greek philosophy: Why Plato was against observational astronomy.JPL
11914 Sinachopoulos 1992 RZ3 Dimitrios Sinachopoulos (b. 1951) is an astrophysicist at the National Observatory of Athens who conducts observational and theoretical work on galactic lenses. In 1991 he wrote (with A. Svarna) The Teachings of Astronomy in Plato's Republic. He has often helped the discoverer with the treatment of CCD frames.JPL
11915 Nishiinoue 1992 SJ1 Tsuyoshi Nishiinoue, Japanese scholar and popularizer of astronomy
11916 Wiesloch 1992 ST17 Wiesloch, Germany*
11921 Mitamasahiro 1992 UN3 Masahiro Mita (b. 1948) is a well-known writer. In 1977 he won the Akutagawa Prize, which is one of the most important prizes in Japan for a novelist.JPL
11925 Usubae 1992 YA1 Usubae at Cape Ashizuri in western Kochi prefecture is a beautiful beach featuring many strange rock formations. It is a famous spot for fishing and well-known as the first place in the Japanese archipelago that the Kuroshio ocean current reaches.JPL
11926 Orinoco 1992 YM2 The Orinoco, a river in the extreme northern part of South America, has its source in the Parima moutain range on the Venezuelan-Brazilian border. Draining 880~000 km 2 of the Colombian and Venezuelan region, it forms an enormous delta before reaching the Atlantic Ocean near the island of Trinidad.JPL
11927 Mount Kent 1993 BA Mount Kent Observatory, University of Southern Queensland, Australia JPL
11928 Akimotohiro 1993 BT2 Hiroyuki Akimoto (b. 1967) is editor-in-chief of the Japanese monthly astronomical magazine Gekkan Tenmon Guide. He has edited many books on astronomy.JPL
11929 Uchino 1993 BG3 Satoshi Uchino (b. 1935), for many years the chief secretary of the Kawasaki Astronomical Association, has greatly contributed to the popularization of astronomy.JPL
11930 Osamu 1993 CJ1 Oshima Osamu (b. 1959) is a leading amateur astronomer and science teacher in Gunma prefecture and volunteer science instructor in great favor with children. His interests in astronomy are wide, currently CCD imaging of planetary nebulae.JPL
11933 Himuka 1993 ES Himuka is an old Japanese name for the Miyazaki prefecture region. The name was selected among other candidates proposed by children who attended the Fureai Space Festival, held in Miyazaki city on the 2004 Space Day in Japan.JPL
11934 Lundgren 1993 FL4 Kjell Lundgren (b.~1950) who has studied red giants in the LMC and the Fornax dwarf galaxy, is now working as an engineer at Uppsala Astronomical Observatory.JPL
11935 Olakarlsson 1993 FB8 Ola Karlsson (born 1973) has for several years been studying Jupiter Trojans, both by physical observations and by numerical integrations resulting in his thesis A Study of Jupiter Trojans. JPL
11936 Tremolizzo 1993 FX9 Elena Tremolizzo (born 1972) is an attitude and orbit control systems engineer at the European Space Agency, involved in the SMART-1 mission to the Moon and the European global navigation satellite system, Galileo. JPL
11941 Archinal 1993 KT1 Brent Archinal, American astronomer [4]
11942 Guettard 1993 NV Jean-Étienne Guettard, French naturalist and mineralogist*
11943 Davidhartley 1993 OF9 David Hartley, English philosopher*
11944 Shaftesbury 1993 OK9 Shaftesbury, England, or, (the most likely candidate, given his significance in British history) Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, English philanthropist; the 3rd Earl Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury, English politician and philosopher, is possible but a less likely candidate*
11945 Amsterdam 1993 PC5 Amsterdam, the Netherlands JPL
11946 Bayle 1993 PB7 Pierre Bayle, French philosopher*
11947 Kimclijsters 1993 PK7 Kim Clijsters, Belgian tennis player
11948 Justinehénin 1993 QQ4 Justine Hénin-Hardenne, Belgian tennis player
11949 Kagayayutaka 1993 SD2 Yutaka Kagaya (b. 1968) is a well-known Japanese space artist who received the Gold Medal in the American Digital Art Contest in 2000.JPL
11950 Morellet 1993 SG5 André Morellet, French economist, philosopher, and writer*
11955 Russrobb 1994 CA1 Russell Robb, Canadian astronomer
11956 Tamarakate 1994 CL14 Tamara Kate Peiser (b. 2001) is the second daughter of Gillian and Benny Peiser. Her father, an anthropologist at Liverpool John Moores University, is known the world over for the Cambridge Conference network.JPL
11958 Galiani 1994 EJ7 Abbé Ferdinando Galiani (1728-1787), secretary at the Neapolitan Embassy in Paris from 1759 to 1769, is well known for his witty Dialogues sur le commerce des blés (1768), in which he attacked the doctrine of free market of the physiocrates. He was much esteemed by d´Holbach.JPL
11959 Okunokeno 1994 GG1 Keno Okuno (b. 1932), an amateur astronomer and a member of the Kawasaki Astronomical Association, has greatly contributed to the popularization of astronomy.JPL
11963 Ignace 1994 PO16 Ignace Van der Gucht (b. 1959) is a graduate in electronics and chief of construction at the Royal Observatory at Uccle, where he places his abilities at the disposal of his colleagues, particularly when they have problems with configuring and upgrading their computers.JPL
11964 Prigogine 1994 PY17 Ilya Prigogine, Belgian-Russian chemist*
11965 Catullus 1994 PF20 Gaius Valerius Catullus, 1st-century B.C. Roman poet JPL
11966 Plateau 1994 PJ20 Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau (1801-1883) was a Belgian physicist who stated the so-called "Plateau-problem". The proof of the existence of a minimal surface (of least area) bounded by a simple closed curve in space was solved in 1930 by means of variational analysis.JPL
11967 Boyle 1994 PW20 Robert Boyle, Irish natural philosopher*
11968 Demariotte 1994 PR27 Edmé de Mariotte (1620-1684) was a French physicist who discovered independently of Boyle that the volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure. He proposed the word "barometer" for the instrument measuring the pressure of air and stated that Boyle's law holds only if there is no change in temperature.JPL
11969 Gay-Lussac 1994 PC37 Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac, French chemist and physicist*
11970 Palitzsch 1994 TD Johann Georg Palitzsch, German astronomer
11974 Yasuhidefujita 1994 YF Yasuhide Fujita, Japanese amateur astronomer*
11976 Josephthurn 1995 JG Count Joseph Thurn (1761-1831), an admiral in the Borbonic fleet, was in command of the Austrian emperor's troops. He spent part of his life in Gorizia, where in 1831 was founded the Monte di Pietá and Cassa di Risparmio.JPL
11977 Leonrisoldi 1995 OA Leon Risoldi (b. 2009), the first grandson of one of the discoverers at Santa Lucia observatory. JPL
11978 Makotomasako 1995 SS4 Makoto Shima (b. 1923) and his wife Masako Shima (b. 1930) are both experts in the study of meteorites. Makoto published many books on meteorites and cosmic dust, and Masako's specialties are the chemical composition and origin of meteorites, especially the analysis of cosmic-ray-produced nuclides.JPL
11980 Ellis 1995 SP8 Kerry Ellis, Canadian physicist
11981 Boncompagni 1995 UY1 Balthasar Boncompagni, Italian mathematician*
11984 Manet 1995 UK45 French painter Édouard Manet (1832–1883) was a pivotal figure in the transition of realism to impressionism. He is well known for his The Luncheon in the Grass (1863), Olympia (1863) and Folies-Bergère (1882).JPL
11987 Yonematsu 1995 VU1 Yonematsu Shiono (b. 1947) is an investigator of traditional life in Japan and has published many articles and books on it. He also published many books on outdoor life, including astronomical observations.JPL
11997 Fassel 1995 YU9 Deborah and Charles Fassel, Canadian amateur astronomers
11998 Fermilab 1996 AG7 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA


  1. Schmadel, Lutz D. (2003). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-00238-3. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
  2. Schmadel, Lutz D. (2006). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names – Addendum to Fifth Edition: 2003–2005. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-34360-8. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
  3. "MPC/MPO/MPS Archive". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
  4. "The USNO Asteroid Connection" (PDF). The USNO Transit. April–May 2009. Retrieved 2014-09-04.
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Meanings of minor planet names
List of minor planets: 11,001–12,000
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