List of countries by GDP (nominal)

For countries by purchasing power parity GDP, see List of countries by GDP (PPP).
Countries by GDP (Nominal) in 2014
The United States, the world's largest economy in nominal terms, is approximately 25 percent of world GDP, while the seven largest economies, including the European Union, compose 75 percent of the total.
A pie chart displaying the world's seven largest economies by nominal GDP—the United States, the European Union, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and Canada.

This article includes a list of countries in the world sorted by their nominal gross domestic product (GDP) converted to dollars at market exchange rates. Nominal GDP does not take into account differences in the cost of living in different countries, and the results can vary greatly from one year to another based on fluctuations in the exchange rates of the country's currency.[1][2] Such fluctuations may change a country's ranking from one year to the next, even though they often make little or no difference in the standard of living of its population.[3]

GDP comparisons at market exchange rates also do not inherently adjust for changes in price levels when making comparisons at different points in time. When no such adjustment has been made, this is referred to as nominal GDP. When an adjustment has been made to convert to constant dollars (or other currency), it is referred to as real GDP.

Comparisons of national wealth are also frequently made on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP), to adjust for differences in the cost of living in different countries. PPP largely removes both the exchange rate problem and the price level problem, by making comparisons at a theoretical exchange rate based on the current prices for a given basket of goods purchased in each country. Comparisons using market exchange rates are generally considered good for examining international flows, or internationally traded goods, but PPP is considered better for the purpose of comparing overall well being.[4] [1]

The first list largely includes data compiled by the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook for 2016, the second list shows the World Bank's 2015 estimates, and the third list includes data compiled by the United Nations Statistics Division for 2014. Several economies which are not considered to be countries (the world, the European Union, and some dependent territories) are included in the lists because they appear in the sources as distinct economies. These economies are italicized and not ranked in the charts, but are listed where applicable.


Click on one of the headings to re-order the list according to that category.

List by the International Monetary Fund (Estimates for 2016)[5] List by the World Bank (2015)[6] List by the United Nations (2014)[7]
Rank Country GDP
(millions of US$)
1 United States18,561,930
 European Union[n 1][8]17,110,523
2 China[n 2]11,391,619
3 Japan4,730,300
4 Germany3,494,900
5 United Kingdom2,649,890
6 France2,488,280
7 India2,250,990
8 Italy1,852,500
9 Brazil1,769,600
10 Canada1,532,340
11 South Korea1,404,380
12 Russia1,267,750
13 Australia1,256,640
14 Spain1,252,160
15 Mexico1,063,610
16 Indonesia940,953
17 Netherlands769,930
18 Turkey755,716
19  Switzerland662,483
20 Saudi Arabia657,785
21 Argentina541,748
22 Republic of China (Taiwan)519,149
23 Sweden517,440
24 Belgium470,179
25 Poland467,350
26 Nigeria415,080
27 Iran412,304
28 Thailand390,592
29 Austria387,299
30 Norway376,268
31 United Arab Emirates375,022
32 Venezuela333,715
33 Egypt330,159[n 3]
34 Hong Kong316,070
35 Israel311,739
36 Philippines311,687
37 Ireland307,917
38 Malaysia302,748
39 Denmark302,571
40 Singapore296,642
41 South Africa280,367
42 Colombia274,135
43 Pakistan271,050[n 4]
44 Finland239,186
45 Chile234,903
46 Bangladesh229,760
47 Portugal205,860
48 Vietnam200,493
49 Greece195,878
50 Czech Republic193,535
51 Romania186,514
52 Peru180,291
53 New Zealand179,359
54 Algeria168,318
55 Qatar156,595
56 Iraq156,323
57 Kazakhstan128,109
58 Hungary117,065
59 Kuwait110,455
60 Morocco108,908
61 Puerto Rico100,852
62 Ecuador99,118
63 Sudan94,297
64 Angola91,939
65 Slovakia90,263
66 Ukraine87,198
67 Sri Lanka82,239
68 Syria[n 5]77,460
69 Dominican Republic71,457
70 Ethiopia69,218
71 Kenya69,170
72 Guatemala68,389
73 Myanmar68,277
74 Uzbekistan66,797
75 Luxembourg60,984
76 Oman59,675
77 Costa Rica57,689
78 Panama55,227
79 Uruguay54,374
80 Lebanon51,815
81 Bulgaria50,446
82 Croatia49,855
83 Belarus48,126
84 Tanzania46,695
85 Slovenia44,122
86 Macau44,066
87 Lithuania42,776
88 Ghana42,761
89 Tunisia42,388
90 Democratic Republic of the Congo39,820
91 Jordan39,453
92 Libya39,389
93 Serbia37,755
94 Turkmenistan36,573
95 Bolivia35,699
96 Azerbaijan35,686
97 Côte d'Ivoire34,649
98 Bahrain31,823
99 Yemen31,326
100 Cameroon30,870
101 Latvia27,945
102 Paraguay27,323
103 El Salvador26,610
104 Uganda25,613
105 Estonia23,476
106 Trinidad and Tobago22,809
107   Nepal21,154
108 Honduras20,930
109 Zambia20,574
110 Cyprus19,931
111 Papua New Guinea19,915
112 Iceland19,444
113 Cambodia19,476
114 Afghanistan18,395
115 Bosnia and Herzegovina16,532
116 Senegal14,870
117 Gabon14,563
118 Georgia14,463
119 Zimbabwe14,193
120 Mali14,103
121 Jamaica13,779
122 Laos13,761
123 Nicaragua13,413
124 Albania12,144
125 Mozambique12,045
126 Burkina Faso12,006
127 Mauritius11,740
128 Equatorial Guinea11,638
129 Mongolia11,164
130 Botswana10,948
131 Armenia10,754
132 Macedonia10,492
133 Malta10,463
134 Brunei10,458
135 Chad10,441
136 Namibia10,183
137 Madagascar9,740
138 Bahamas9,047
139 Benin8,930
140 Republic of Congo8,834
141 Rwanda8,341
142 Haiti8,259
143 Niger7,566
144 Guinea6,754
145 Moldova6,650
146 Tajikistan6,612
147 Kosovo6,560
148 Kyrgyzstan5,794
149 Malawi5,474
150 Eritrea5,352
151 Mauritania4,718
152 Fiji4,556
153 Togo4,520
154 Barbados4,473
155 Sierra Leone4,289
156 Montenegro4,242
157 Suriname4,137
158 Guyana3,456
159 Swaziland3,430
160 Maldives3,270
161 Burundi2,742
162 South Sudan2,628
163 Timor-Leste2,501
164 Liberia2,168
165 Bhutan2,085
166 Djibouti1,894
167 Lesotho1,806
168 Central African Republic1,782
169 Belize1,770
170 Cabo Verde1,684
171 San Marino1,556
172 St. Lucia1,439
173 Seychelles1,419
174 Antigua and Barbuda1,303
175 Solomon Islands1,218
176 Guinea-Bissau1,168
177 Grenada1,028
178 St. Kitts and Nevis955
179 The Gambia886
180 Samoa876
181 Vanuatu773
182 St. Vincent and the Grenadines766
183 Comoros622
184 Dominica524
185 Tonga430
186 São Tomé and Príncipe351
187 Federated States of Micronesia325
188 Palau296
189 Marshall Islands188
190 Kiribati166
191 Tuvalu32
Rank Country GDP
(millions of US$)
1 United States17,946,996
 European Union[n 1][9]16,229,464
2 China[n 6]10,866,444
3 Japan4,123,258
4 Germany3,355,772
5 United Kingdom2,848,755
6 France2,421,682
7 India2,073,543
8 Italy1,814,763
9 Brazil1,774,725
10 Canada1,550,537
11 South Korea1,377,873
12 Australia1,339,539
13 Russia1,326,015
14 Spain1,199,057
15 Mexico1,144,331
16 Indonesia861,934
17 Netherlands752,547
18 Turkey718,221
19  Switzerland664,738
20 Saudi Arabia646,002
21 Argentina548,055
22 Sweden492,618
23 Nigeria481,066
24 Poland474,783
25 Belgium454,039
26 Iran425,326
27 Thailand395,282
28 Norway388,315
29 Austria374,056
30 Venezuela371,337
31 United Arab Emirates370,293
32 Egypt330,779
33 South Africa312,798
34 Hong Kong309,929
35 Malaysia296,218
36 Israel296,075
37 Denmark295,164
38 Singapore292,739
39 Colombia292,080
40 Philippines291,965
41 Pakistan269,971
42 Chile240,216
43 Ireland238,020
44 Finland229,810
45 Portugal198,931
46 Greece195,212
47 Bangladesh195,079
48 Vietnam193,599
49 Peru192,084
50 Kazakhstan184,361
51 Czech Republic181,811
52 Romania177,954
53 New Zealand173,754
54 Iraq168,607
55 Qatar166,908
56 Algeria166,839
57 Hungary120,687
58 Kuwait112,812
59 Puerto Rico103,135
60 Angola102,643
61 Ecuador100,872
62 Morocco[n 7]100,360
63 Ukraine90,615
65 Slovakia86,582
66 Sudan84,067
66 Sri Lanka82,316
67 Cuba (2013)77,150
68 Oman70,255
69 Dominican Republic67,103
70 Uzbekistan66,733
71 Myanmar64,866
72 Guatemala63,794
73 Kenya63,398
74 Ethiopia61,537
75 Luxembourg57,794
76 Belarus54,609
77 Uruguay53,443
78 Azerbaijan53,047
79 Panama52,132
80 Costa Rica51,107
81 Bulgaria48,953
82 Croatia48,732
83 Lebanon47,103
84 Macau46,178
85 Tanzania[n 8]44,895
86 Tunisia43,015
87 Slovenia42,747
88 Lithuania41,244
89 Ghana37,864
90 Jordan37,517
91 Turkmenistan37,334
92 Serbia36,513
93 Yemen35,955
94 Democratic Republic of the Congo35,238
95 Bolivia33,197
96 Bahrain32,221
97Cote d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire31,753
98 Cameroon29,198
99 Libya29,153
100 Trinidad and Tobago27,806
101 Paraguay27,623
102 Latvia27,035
103 Uganda26,369
104 El Salvador25,850
105 Estonia22,691
106 Zambia21,202
107   Nepal20,881
108 Honduras20,152
109 Cyprus[n 9]19,320
110 Afghanistan19,199
111 Bosnia and Herzegovina18,521
112 Gabon18,180
113 Brunei17,105
114 Iceland17,036
115 Papua New Guinea16,929
116 Cambodia16,778
117 Georgia[n 10]16,530
118 Mozambique15,938
119 Botswana15,813
120 Senegal15,658
121 Equatorial Guinea15,530
122 Zimbabwe14,197
123 Republic of the Congo14,177
124 Chad13,922
125 Jamaica13,891
126 South Sudan13,282
127 Albania13,212
128 Namibia12,995
129 Mauritius12,630
130 Burkina Faso12,542
131 Mali12,037
132 Mongolia12,016
133 Laos11,997
134 Nicaragua11,806
135 Armenia11,644
136 Macedonia11,324
137 Madagascar10,593
138 Malta9,643
139 Benin9,575
140 Tajikistan9,242
141 Haiti8,713
142 The Bahamas8,511
143 Niger8,169
144 Moldova[n 11]7,962
145 Rwanda7,890
146 Kyrgyzstan7,404
147 Kosovo7,387
148 Guinea6,624
149 Somalia5,707
150 Bermuda5,574
151 Liechtenstein5,488
152 Suriname5,210
153 Mauritania5,061
154 Sierra Leone4,838
155 Montenegro4,588
156 Fiji4,532
157 Togo4,518
158 Swaziland4,413
159 Barbados4,355
160 Malawi4,258
161 Andorra3,249
162 Guyana3,097
163 Burundi3,094
164 Maldives3,062
165 Faroe Islands2,613
166 Greenland2,441
167 Lesotho2,181
168 Liberia2,013
169 Bhutan1,959
170 Cape Verde1,871
171 Central African Republic1,723
172 Belize1,699
173 Djibouti1,589
174 Seychelles1,423
175 Timor-Leste1,417
176 Saint Lucia1,404
177 Antigua and Barbuda1,221
178 Solomon Islands1,158
179 Guinea-Bissau1,209
180 The Gambia851
181 Grenada884
182 Saint Kitts and Nevis852
183 Vanuatu815
184 Samoa800
185 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines729
186 Comoros624
187 Dominica524
188 Tonga434
189Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé and Príncipe337
190 Federated States of Micronesia318
191 Palau251
192 Marshall Islands187
193 Kiribati167
194 Tuvalu38
Rank Country GDP
(millions of US$)
 European Union[n 1][11]18,518,430
1 United States17,348,072
2 China[n 6]10,430,590
3 Japan4,602,419
4 Germany3,868,291
5 United Kingdom2,988,893
6 France2,829,192
7 Brazil2,346,523
8 Italy2,141,161
9 India2,054,941
10 Russia1,849,940
11 Canada1,785,387
12 Australia1,471,439
13 South Korea1,410,383
14 Spain1,381,342
15 Mexico1,294,695
16 Indonesia888,538
17 Netherlands879,319
18 Turkey798,414
19 Saudi Arabia752,460
20  Switzerland701,037
21 Sweden571,090
22 Nigeria568,499
23 Poland544,959
24 Argentina543,490
25 Belgium531,547
26 Venezuela509,968
27 Norway500,519
28 Austria436,888
29 Iran425,326
30 Thailand404,824
31 United Arab Emirates399,451
32 Colombia377,740
33 South Africa349,819
34 Denmark346,119
35 Malaysia326,933
36 Singapore307,872
37 Israel305,673
38 Philippines290,896
39 Egypt282,242
40 Hong Kong274,027
41 Finland272,217
42 Chile258,062
43 Pakistan251,255
44 Ireland250,814
45 Greece235,574
46 Portugal230,117
47 Iraq225,422
48 Kazakhstan216,036
49 Algeria213,518
50 Qatar211,817
51 Czech Republic205,270
52 Peru201,809
53 Romania199,045
54 New Zealand198,652
55 Vietnam186,205
56 Bangladesh173,062
57 Kuwait163,637
58 Angola146,676
59 Hungary138,347
60 Ukraine131,806
61 Morocco110,009
62 Puerto Rico103,676
63 Ecuador100,917
64 Slovakia100,249
65 Cuba82,775
66 Sudan81,894
67 Oman81,797
68 Belarus76,139
69 Azerbaijan75,193
70 Sri Lanka74,941
71 Myanmar66,478
72 Luxembourg64,874
73 Dominican Republic63,969
74 Uzbekistan63,030
75 Kenya60,936
76 Guatemala58,827
77 Uruguay57,471
78 Croatia57,137
79 Bulgaria56,718
80 Macau55,502
81 Ethiopia53,638
82 Lebanon49,631
83 Costa Rica49,553
84 Slovenia49,491
85 Panama49,166
86 Lithuania48,392
87 Tanzania48,030
88 Turkmenistan47,932
89 Tunisia47,423
90 Serbia43,866
91 Libya41,319
92 Ghana37,177
93 Yemen37,131
94 Democratic Republic of the Congo35,909
95 Jordan35,827
96Cote d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire34,254
97 Bahrain33,850
98 Bolivia32,996
99 Cameroon32,051
100 Latvia31,286
101 Paraguay30,985
102 Trinidad and Tobago28,069
103 Uganda27,465
104 Zambia26,963
105 Estonia26,485
106 El Salvador25,164
107 Cyprus23,077
108 Afghanistan21,122
109 Honduras19,497
110   Nepal19,489
111 Bosnia and Herzegovina18,491
112 Gabon17,412
113 North Korea17,396
114 Brunei17,104
115 Mozambique17,081
116 Iceland17,036
117 Cambodia16,778
118 Equatorial Guinea16,731
119 Papua New Guinea16,576
120 Georgia16,530
121 Botswana15,813
122 Senegal15,658
123 Zimbabwe14,719
124 Congo, Republic of the14,077
125 Jamaica13,927
126 Namibia13,429
127 Albania13,413
128 Chad12,791
129 Arab Palestinian areas12,766
130 Burkina Faso12,756
131 Mauritius12,616
132 Mongolia12,067
133 Mali11,979
134 Nicaragua11,806
135 Laos11,749
136 Macedonia11,319
137 South Sudan11,007
138 Armenia10,889
139 Madagascar10,674
140 Malta10,536
141 New Caledonia10,234
142 Benin9,575
143 Tajikistan9,242
144 Haiti8,599
145 The Bahamas8,510
146 Niger8,169
147 Moldova7,944
148 Rwanda7,903
149 Kyrgyzstan7,404
150 Kosovo7,387
151 Monaco7,060
152 Guinea6,579
153 Liechtenstein5,855
154 Malawi5,720
155 French Polynesia5,623
156 Bermuda5,601
157 Suriname5,210
158 Mauritania5,092
159 Timor-Leste4,970
160 Sierra Leone4,893
161 Montenegro4,588
162 Togo4,576
163 Fiji4,532
164 Swaziland4,482
165 Barbados4,353
166 Eritrea3,858
167 Cayman Islands3,480
168 Andorra3,278
169 Curaçao3,159
170 Guyana3,086
171 Maldives3,032
172 Burundi2,869
173 Aruba2,664
174 Greenland2,441
175 Liberia2,122
176 Lesotho2,081
177 Bhutan1,965
178 Cape Verde1,855
179 San Marino1,845
180 Central African Republic1,838
181 Belize1,699
182 Djibouti1,589
183 Seychelles1,511
184 Saint Lucia1,406
185 Somalia1,375
186 Zanzibar1,289
187 Antigua and Barbuda1,248
188 Guinea-Bissau1,209
189 Solomon Islands1,103
190 Sint Maarten1,059
191 British Virgin Islands902
192 Grenada884
193 Saint Kitts and Nevis852
194 The Gambia851
195 Samoa824
196 Vanuatu812
197 Turks and Caicos Islands797
198 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines729
199 Comoros648
200 Dominica533
201 Tonga435
202Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé and Príncipe337
203 Federated States of Micronesia308
204 Cook Islands311
205 Anguilla311
206 Palau234
207 Marshall Islands209
208 Nauru182
209 Kiribati180
210 Montserrat63
211 Tuvalu38

See also


  1. 1 2 3 The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe.
  2. Figures exclude Taiwan, and special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
  3. Data for Egypt's GDP is of 2015, the latest available from the IMF.
  4. Data for Pakistan's GDP is of 2015, the latest available from the IMF.
  5. Data for Syria's 2014 GDP is from the September 2011 WEO Database, the latest available from the IMF.
  6. 1 2 Figures exclude special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
  7. Includes Former Spanish Sahara.
  8. Covers mainland Tanzania only.
  9. Data are for the area controlled by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.
  10. Excludes Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  11. Excludes data for Transnistria.


  1. 1 2 "What is the relationship between nominal GDP and PPP (purchasing power parity)?". Investopedia. IAC/InterActiveCorp. 4 May 2015. Retrieved 26 July 2016.
  2. Moffatt, Mike. "A Beginner's Guide to Purchasing Power Parity Theory". IAC/InterActiveCorp. Retrieved 31 May 2014.
  3. Ito, Takatoshi; Isard, Peter; Symansky, Steven (January 1999). "Economic Growth and Real Exchange Rate: An Overview of the Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis in Asia" (PDF). Changes in Exchange Rates in Rapidly Development Countries: Theory, Practice, and Policy Issues. National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved 23 May 2016.
  4. Callen, Tim (28 March 2012). "Purchasing Power Parity: Weights Matter". Finance & Development. International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 30 May 2014.
  5. "World Economic Outlook Database". International Monetary Fund. October 2016.
  6. "GDP (current US$)" (PDF). World Development Indicators. World Bank. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
  7. "GDP and its breakdown at current prices in US Dollars". United Nations Statistics Division. December 2015.
  8. 1 2 "Report for Selected Country Groups and Subjects". World Economic Outlook. International Monetary Fund. October 2016.
  9. "EU GDP (current US$)". World Development Indicators. World Bank. Retrieved 1 July 2016.
  10. "All countries and regions/subregions (totals) for all years - sorted by region/subregion". United Nations. United Nations. Retrieved September 27, 2016.
  11. "All countries for all years - sorted alphabetically". United Nations. United Nations. Retrieved September 27, 2016.
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